
When I do "show route community 11666:5000" I get a list of the proper
prefixes as expected.  11666:5000 is our own network routes.  The same
occurs when I list 11666:4000 which is customer network routes - displays
the list correctly.  This confirms in my mind that the MX480 is receiving
correct communities from neighboring iBGP boxes..
do you happen to have the same routes in OSPF or as a static or aggregate route? Do the above "show route" commands indicate that the BGP version of the to-be-exported routes are active? By default, JUNOS will only advertise _active_ BGP routes. With default preferences, basically, if you have the same prefix in any other protocol (static, aggregate and local count as "protocols" in junos) on the router, then the BGP route is not considered active.

To wit:

show route     *[Direct/0] 1w2d 16:59:18
                    > via x/y/z.n
                    [BGP/170] 1w2d 16:58:05, localpref 100, from a.b.c.d
                      AS path: I
this route would _not_ be exported by your community-driven export policy (or the default BGP policy), even though the only routes with communities would be the BGP route.

You can work around this problem by specifying "advertise-inactive" on the group or neighbor level, in which case the best BGP route will be chosen even when it's not active.

If "show route community x:y" shows a BGP route, a policy matching on "community x:y" will export it - if it is active or when advertise-inactive is set.

Incidentally, how does your community definition look like? "show route community x:y" matches on the raw numbers, but the policy action matches on a regex that defines the community, maybe the problem lies there. Please check the
policy-options community blocks or paste an example here.

Kind regards,


Felix Schüren
Head of Network

Host Europe GmbH -
Welserstraße 14 - 51149 Köln - Germany
Telefon: 0800 467 8387 - Fax: +49 180 5 66 3233 (*)
HRB 28495 Amtsgericht Köln - USt-IdNr.: DE187370678
Uwe Braun - Alex Collins - Mark Joseph - Patrick Pulvermüller

(*) 0,14 EUR/Min. aus dem dt. Festnetz; maximal 0,42 EUR/Min. aus
den dt. Mobilfunknetzen

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