Thanks to everyone for their help on this...

We've proven it back to a Solarwinds issue we feel.  It's happened two more
times on two additional EX switches, which at first glance would really
point the finger at a JunOS related issue - BUT, when I do a restart on the
Windows 2008 server hosting the Solarwinds system you are able to start
pinging these devices no problem.

It's not 100% conclusive but considering I can ping these EX switches from
any other location while Solarwinds is reporting them as down has had me

Thanks again for everyone's input.. appreciate it...


-----Original Message-----
From: [] 
Sent: June-06-10 11:37 AM
Subject: Re: [j-nsp] Solarwinds Monitoring Problem

> Is there default rate limiting of ICMP traffic in JunOS?

There is a default limiting of all the traffic to the RE.

Since you have a problem (missing ICMP echo replies while doing SNMP
queries) that *might* be due to such limiting, I would strongly suggest
that you do some packet sniffing and find out exactly what your NMS is
trying to do.

We have sizable Juniper M/MX based network here, and have never seen
the problem you describe - this is with a combination of commercial
monitoring systems and stuff we've developed ourselves. Mind you, we
don't have any EX switches.

Steinar Haug, Nethelp consulting,

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