Hi again,

yeah, this makes total sense!
At first I thought this is a JUNOS-problem, as Cisco does send the "right" mtu 

I closed the bug report on the quagga bugzilla for now (with closed/invalid) 
and will
talk to JTAC.
I'll get back to you and the list as soon as I have some confirmation and/or 

>I'm not so sure anymore. A fellow reader has challenged my
>interpretation of the RFC wording, that it might mean "OSPF virtual
>links", not tunnel (and similar virtual, non-physical) interfaces.
>Upon re-reading with that interpretation in mind, I tend to agree.
>Thinking further about it, mtu=0 for OSPF virtual links makes sense, as
>only OSPF PDUs are being tunnelled, no actual traffic. So there is no
>sensible MTU to report in the DBD packets. On real tunneling interfaces
>though, everything (OSPF PDUs and actual traffic) gets tunnelled, and
>the tunnel has a real MTU associated.
>So in fact, I think my interpretation was wrong and JUNOS is actually
>misbehaving by advertising MTU=0. It should report the tunnel interface
>L3 MTU.
>Sorry for the noise. I suggest raising a case with JTAC and closing off
>the Quagga bug filing.

No, not at all! Thanks a lot for your input! I did not even read the appropriate
RFC before you posted, which I should do next time.

>BTW, I noticed your Linux tunnel interface being named "gre-nc" - I
>guess the "gre" part is a leftover misnomer from trying GRE encaps?

exactly ;-) It's actually "sit" now on the linux side

>Best regards from Porz to Porz,

and best wishes back to you!

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