Of course,

nothing so far. I will get our sales person to look after the ticket, perhaps he can ring some bells to get the ticket escalated.


Am 07.09.10 01:49, schrieb Michael Damkot:
This sounds like a bug, have you contacted the J-TAC

On Sep 4, 2010, at 08:44 , Matthias Brumm wrote:


Sorry to write again.. I may have found a clue:

After commiting this happans:

1058 root        1 132    0   607M   607M RUN     21:07 91.94% flowd_hm

This is a system without traffic!

On the main router:
64 bytes from x.x.x.x: icmp_seq=917 ttl=64 time=4.748 ms
64 bytes from x.x.x.x: icmp_seq=918 ttl=64 time=4.402 ms
64 bytes from x.x.x.x: icmp_seq=919 ttl=64 time=4.484 ms
64 bytes from x.x.x.x: icmp_seq=920 ttl=64 time=4.658 ms
64 bytes from x.x.x.x: icmp_seq=921 ttl=64 time=4.411 ms
64 bytes from x.x.x.x: icmp_seq=922 ttl=64 time=4.746 ms
64 bytes from x.x.x.x: icmp_seq=923 ttl=64 time=4.607 ms
64 bytes from x.x.x.x: icmp_seq=924 ttl=64 time=4.604 ms
64 bytes from x.x.x.x: icmp_seq=925 ttl=64 time=11.607 ms
64 bytes from x.x.x.x: icmp_seq=926 ttl=64 time=50.762 ms
64 bytes from x.x.x.x: icmp_seq=927 ttl=64 time=5.482 ms
64 bytes from x.x.x.x: icmp_seq=928 ttl=64 time=15.932 ms
64 bytes from x.x.x.x: icmp_seq=929 ttl=64 time=14.699 ms
64 bytes from x.x.x.x: icmp_seq=930 ttl=64 time=17.192 ms

This stays until the ping stops and the BGP session goes down.

Back to pre flowd? Should I use only packet based routing? We are using the Js 
only as routers.


Am 04.09.10 12:50, schrieb Matthias Brumm:

We have a very strange problem on two chassis clusters with 10.0R3.10
(will try updating to R4.7 today).

One chassis cluster (2x J6350) is our main system
The other (2x J4350) is a system located on the site of our customer.

The two clusters are speaking BGP with each other. For the customer
system, this is the only BGP session. Our main system has a full BGP
mesh to our other locations and edge systems. For understanding the
problem, I would compress this to three BGP sessions:

A) BGP session to AMS-IX over VLAN 1
B) BGP session to ECIX over VLAN 1
C) BGP session to ECIX over VLAN 2

Involved are two switches. VLAN 1 is configured on both switches to make
it available in Amsterdam and Düsseldorf. VLAN 2 is only configured on
the switch, faced to Düsseldorf, to have a backup in the case the first
switch is dead.

The day before yesterday, I started to pings to the ECIX router. One
from my local workstation, the other from the main cluster.

If I cofigure something on the redundant interfaces, as soon as I do the
commit, the first ping stays normal, the second junps to +30ms (normal
around 6ms). 2-3 minutes later, both pings stop. The BGP session drops.
This is the only BGP session that is dropped, due to Hold time
expiration. After a few minutes, the pings and the BGP session come
back. Every other BGP session even the one to Düsseldorf over VLAN 2
stays up.

I switched the main load to Düsseldorf to VLAN 2. That time, that BGP
session was dropped, while the other stays up. The session to Düsseldorf
is taking the main load with around 260000 prefixes.

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