> Aug 25 12:13:36  ALBQ_EX4500 mib2d[861]: SNMP_TRAP_LINK_DOWN: ifIndex 536,
> ifAdminStatus up(1), ifOperStatus down(2), ifName xe-0/0/16
> Aug 25 12:14:04  ALBQ_EX4500 last message repeated 20 times
> Aug 25 12:16:06  ALBQ_EX4500 last message repeated 61 times
> Aug 25 12:26:05  ALBQ_EX4500 last message repeated 1679 times
> Aug 25 12:35:42  ALBQ_EX4500 last message repeated 1419 times
> Aug 25 12:40:15  ALBQ_EX4500 last message repeated 356 times

this does not look at all like an issue with xSTP. It's simply link
flaps, most probably due to a damaged fibre run. xSTP never takes down
links, and blocking looks different. Check your signal strengths (try
"show interfaces diagnostics optics", not sure if that works on the EXes

Kind regards,


Felix Schüren
Head of Network

Host Europe GmbH - http://www.hosteurope.de
Welserstraße 14 - 51149 Köln - Germany
Telefon: 0800 467 8387 - Fax: +49 180 5 66 3233 (*)
HRB 28495 Amtsgericht Köln - USt-IdNr.: DE187370678
Uwe Braun - Alex Collins - Mark Joseph - Patrick Pulvermüller

(*) 0,14 EUR/Min. aus dem dt. Festnetz, Mobilfunkpreise ggf. abweichend
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