On Fri, May 20, 2011 at 10:38:22AM -0700, Jim Boyle wrote:
> You can also take a look at the results from our online PRSearch application.
> http://www.juniper.net/prsearch/
> Select 10.4R3, or 10.4R4 and show the results "Closed" in that 
> release.  That will show available PRs with commits/resolution in that 
> release ("Closed" isn't quite accurate here as the PR may be open for 
> other releases or follow-on actions)
> Thanks to Alex for the pointers on the release notes.  In general, the 
> release notes show what is fixed in that release (under Resolved 
> Issues for each section).  So if you check the PRs in the 10.4R4 ones, 
> and cross check them on the web, you should find they are resolved in 
> 10.4R4.
> I'll admit that finding the this information isn't as easy as it 
> should be.  Juniper certainly has room for improvement here for 
> usability as well as consistency of information.  We are working 
> towards improvements in this area.

Alas we find that something like 75% of our PRs end up being marked 
confidential until we ask for them to be changed (sometimes multiple 
times :P), even when there is no reason for them to be, which tends to 
make the PR search all but useless for any real work. And I won't even 
start complaining about the accuracy of the PR public facing 
descriptions, that would be a whole 'nother thread. :) Sorry but the 
only way to get any real work done is to have an RE or SE be your bitch 
and look up the PRs to tell you what they're REALLY about, hoping for 
anything else is a complete fantasy.

Richard A Steenbergen <r...@e-gerbil.net>       http://www.e-gerbil.net/ras
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