Hello there

I have multihoming L2VPN (primary-backup fashion) set between one remote router 
and two local routers. RSVP/OSPF is running between all the routers

During the redundancy tests, everything worked fine, except when rebooting the 
router which has the primary L2VPN:
-when it goes down, the traffic switches to the backup pseudowire and we see 
nothing extraordinary
-when router comes up, the traffic is lost for around 30 seconds.

I realized that during those 30 sec, the primary router declares de l2vpn 
connection as down, flagging "VC-Dn", but the interface of that 
routing-instance is "UP"

It seems that the backup router detects the primary router UP, tears down the 
backup L2VPN but the primary router does not establish the L2VPN immediately, 
it takes 30 seconds to do so

Any idea?

JUNOS version: 10.4

José María Carrera Mestas

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