Trying this now for a customer, running 10.2R3.3. Currently seeing an issue
with l2 subsystem crashing and throwing a core dump, got this issue
escalated to ATAC.


On Sun, May 29, 2011 at 2:32 PM, <> wrote:

> Hi All,
> Somebody has experience regarding MX LAG on Juniper MX in 10.2 ?
> MC LAG in stanby-active for VPLS mode with LACP and ICCP configured ?
> Does-it work ? Are-there any HW or SW requierements ? Some sample config
> are welcome, too.
> I tried to configure it with DPC combo card (20x1GE - 2x20GE). All the
> configuration has commited but my LAG is still down.
> Thanks for your help.
> Regards
> David
> Hereafter my configuration :
> On MX 1 :
>  ae0 {
>        encapsulation ethernet-vpls;
>        aggregated-ether-options {
>            link-speed 1g;
>            lacp {
>                active;
>                system-priority 1;
>                system-id 00:00:00:00:00:01;
>                admin-key 12345;
>            }
>            mc-ae {
>                mc-ae-id 1;
>                redundancy-group 1;
>                chassis-id 0;
>                mode active-standby;
>                status-control standby;
>            }
>        }
>        unit 0;
>    }
>   ge-0/0/3 {
>        speed 1g;
>        link-mode full-duplex;
>        gigether-options {
>            802.3ad ae0;
>        }
>    }
>  iccp {
>        local-ip-addr;
>        peer {
>            redundancy-group-id-list 1;
>            liveness-detection {
>                minimum-interval 1000;
>            }
>        }
>    }
> On MX 2
>  ae0 {
>        encapsulation ethernet-vpls;
>        aggregated-ether-options {
>            link-speed 1g;
>            lacp {
>                active;
>                system-priority 1;
>                system-id 00:00:00:00:00:01;
>                admin-key 12345;
>            }
>            mc-ae {
>                mc-ae-id 1;
>                redundancy-group 1;
>                chassis-id 0;
>                mode active-standby;
>                status-control active; <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>            }
>        }
>        unit 0;
>    }
>   ge-0/0/5 {
>        speed 1g;
>        link-mode full-duplex;
>        gigether-options {
>            802.3ad ae0;
>        }
>    }
>  iccp {
>        local-ip-addr;
>        peer1.1.1.1 {
>            redundancy-group-id-list 1;
>            liveness-detection {
>                minimum-interval 1000;
>            }
>        }
>    }
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