The 'show virtual-chassis' output on an EX4500 shows the following columns:
> show virtual-chassis 
Virtual Chassis ID: 0fff.78ff.dbffVirtual Chassis Mode: Enabled                 
                          Mstr           Mixed Neighbor ListMember ID  Status   
Serial No    Model     prio  Role      Mode ID  Interface0 (FPC 0)  Prsnt    
XXXXXXXX ex4500-40f 198  Backup       N  1  vcp-1                               
                                        1  vcp-0      1 (FPC 1)  Prsnt    
XXXXXXXX ex4500-40f 198  Master*      N  0  vcp-1                               
                                        0  vcp-0      
Member ID for next new member: 2 (FPC 2)
I can pretty much find all of those in the 
jnxVirtualChassisMemberTable/ except for the 
status. Has anyone had any luck tracking down some sort of SNMP monitoring for 
that particular one?
Perhaps, since its based off the FPC in each member, I can query the 
corresponding jnxFruState/ table of each FPC?
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