
Dow anyone on list is using MX series as a BRAS box ?

We are looking forward some samples of configurations to apply shapping rate using only radius variables.

We have found the configuration bellow ... but we did not find any RADIUS dictionary to apply it.

The only way we found to controle the subscriber (PPP.xxxx) interface bandwidth was using firewall filters and policers.

But with firewall filter and policers ... we need to create it statically before apply using radius.

We are lookig for a soltuion where we can apply only one configuration directly on radius server only (without have to create a policer or a firewall filter).

If anyone has the experience with this kind of config, could share about it ?

Thanks a lot,


dynamic-profiles {subscriber_profile {interfaces {"$junos-interface-ifd-name" {unit "$junos-underlying-interface-unit" {family inet;}}}class-of-service {traffic-control-profiles {subscriber_tcp {shaping-rate $shaping-rate;guaranteed-rate $guaranteed-rate;}}interfaces {"$junos-interface-ifd-name" {unit "$junos-underlying-interface-unit" {output-traffic-control-profile subscriber_tcp;}}}}
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