Ryan Goldberg <rgoldb...@compudyne.net> writes:

> Do you see an issue with blowing up ex4200s with all this ospf and
> vrrp? I'm labbing tomorrow and will try to get the boxes to thrash.
> From a routing table size POV I'm not worried (many customers having
> no extra routes, lots have 4-6, a handful having as many as 30 or 40),
> I'm a little concerned all those processes might upset the RE if
> things get flappy. I can handle a little bump but if they just freak
> out that wouldn't be good.

I do not really have much experience with EX-series and layer 3. I let
the MX80s do the VRRP and OSPF, which has not been entirely smooth
sailing lately.

> Good thought. Can you hook up L3 addresses to the inner tags on EX
> boxes? I'll have to play with that.

No, the EX4200 would have to handle a dual tag push, and the hardware
can't do that. Rumour has it that the EX4500 and EX4550 has the
necessary hardware, but even if that turns out to be true, their
software can't do it (yet?).


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