Joel Dahl writes:
>I installed a new Juniper EX2200 today, running Junos 11.4R5.7.
>Upon every commit I get the following error message (but the commit succeeds):
>root@testsw# commit check 
>LIBJNX_SNMP_ENGINE_SCAN_FAILURE: snmp_engine_read: fscanf : 
>/var/db/snmp_engine.db scann
>ing: full_engine_id Error: Unknown error: 0
>configuration check succeeds
>It's also visible in the message log during boot.
>Is this something I should be worried about? I haven't seen it before.

fscanf doesn't set errno, for the "%m" in the syslog message is
meaningless ("Unknown error: 0").   The LIBJNX_SNMP_ENGINE_SCAN_FAILURE error
is listed as:

phil@dent> help syslog LIBJNX_SNMP_ENGINE_SCAN_FAILURE   
Message:       <function-name>: fscanf : <filename> scanning: <data> Error:
Help:          SNMP engine data file scan operation failed
Description:   A Junos process could not perform the scan operation on the 
indicated SNMP
               engine data file.
Type:          Error: An error occurred
Severity:      critical
Facility:      ANY
Cause:         An internal software failure occurred.
Action:        Contact your technical support representative. For more 
information, see


I'm having trouble getting to this link, but my guess is that there's
some broken data in your /var/db/snmp_engine.db file.

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