Hi all,

This post relates to a previous post of mine on asymmetrically routed
UDP traffic:

It seems as though a J/SRX in flow mode will drop ICMP packets such as
unreachable and ttl-exceeded if, after consulting the session table,
an entry corresponding to the header embedded in the ICMP packet is
not found. In other words, "I'm gonna drop any ICMP packets[1] I see
if I didn't handle the associated conversation".

Assume I send a UDP packet between hosts "A" and "D" and it's routed
outbound via SRX "B", and for whatever reason an ICMP unreachable or
ttl-exceeded is generated (think traceroute). If that ICMP packet is
sent towards host "D" not via SRX "B" but via SRX "C", SRX "C" drops

(src/dst IPs replaced with "A" and "D")
Jan 23 14:53:45 14:53:44.938394:CID-00:FPC-11:PIC-01:THREAD_ID-27:RT:
st0.1033:"D"->"A", icmp, (3/3)
Jan 23 14:53:45 14:53:44.938424:CID-00:FPC-11:PIC-01:THREAD_ID-27:RT:
find flow: table 0x63ce7688, hash 494060(0x7ffff), sa "D", da "A", sp
33438, dp 47488, proto 17, tok 7
Jan 23 14:53:45 14:53:44.938483:CID-00:FPC-11:PIC-01:THREAD_ID-27:RT:
packet dropped, no session found for embedded icmp pak
Jan 23 14:53:45 14:53:44.938495:CID-00:FPC-11:PIC-01:THREAD_ID-27:RT:
flow find session returns error.

Seems like perfectly reasonable behaviour for a firewall, right?
Right, except when it's not :-)

Can this behaviour be modified without fully or selectively running in
packet mode? I'm running JUNOS 10.4R11.


[1] Well, any ICMP packets that include a copy of the original
datagram's header: echo request/reply are forwarded (subject to being
permitted by security policy, of course).
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