On 2013-12-03, Paul Goyette <pgoye...@juniper.net> sent:
> Looks like the output is identical to what would be generated by 
> the *BSD pwhash(1) utility.
>       # pwhash -S 24680 stuff
>       $sha1$23933$/WgTkHoe$25rdwdZ95cfgY/Tl6li2/LRIbuVT
>       #
> pwhash(1) in turn calls the crypt(3) library function after it 
> generates a salt.
> Digging through the sources, we find the following comment block 
> in src/lib/libcrypt/crypt-sha1.c

Ah ha! Perfect! It appears this is specifically a NetBSD thing,
or at least my OpenBSD and FreeBSD boxes don't have crypt-sha1.c
or the pwhash utility.

Chip Marshall <c...@2bithacker.net>
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