At a guess I'd say it's because in Q-Fabric, the "MAC-learning" is performed by 
a similar to a VPLS instance per VLAN rather than traditional per-switch CAM 

I imagine this allows for better scalability/optimisation.

The switch CAM would then only need to worry about L2-adjacent QF nodes and 
adjacent hosts.

On 2 Jan 2014, at 5:28 pm, giovanni rana <> wrote:

> Hi, during the evaluation of a new data center architecture, how can qfabric 
> support so many Mac addresses? The qfx3500 node supports only 128k Mac 
> tables, how can they get 1536k as declared in the data sheet? Is it because 
> of an optimized use of mac-vlan pairs? 
> Thanks for any answer and happy 2014! 
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