If it requires an address, you can put the loopback address on the 
loopback interface itself.

It is possible to add "disable monitor" to /var/etc/ntp.conf to disable the 
monlist command.  The caveat is that a full commit (or rollback) will recreate 
ntp.conf and delete the entry.  Picking up a hint from another thread on the 
list I set up a cron job in /etc/crontab.sys to check the config file every few 
minutes.  If the entry is missing, it puts it back and pokes ntp to reread its 
configuration.  Works quite nicely although I think crontab.sys may get 
rewritten on upgrade.

crontab.sys entry:
*/5     *       *       *       *       root    sh 

Do a "commit full" after adding the entry to crontab.sys to get it picked up.
% cat xntp-disable_monitor.sh

# Basic stuff
NTP_PROC=$(ps ax | grep xntpd | grep -v grep | awk '{printf $1}')
my_id=$(id -u)

Print_Help ()
        echo "Usage: $(basename ${0}) [-q|-v] [-c]"
        echo " -q: quiet, no status messages"
        echo " -v: verbose, display status messages"
        echo " -c: check current configuration only, no changes [0=config is 
correct, 1+=missing config]"
        exit 255

# # Get command line options
# if test ${#} -eq 0
# then
#       # No command line option specified.
#       Print_Help
# fi

while getopts "qvc" opt
        case ${opt} in
                q) VERBOSE=0 ;;
                v) VERBOSE=1 ;;
                c) CHECK_ONLY=1 && VERBOSE=1 ;;
                *) Print_Help ;;

# Check the config file
if [ -r ${NTP_CONF} ]
        egrep "^disable monitor[ \t]*$" ${NTP_CONF} 2>&1 >/dev/null
        echo "ERROR: Unable to read ${NTP_CONF}"
        exit 2

if [ ${CFG_Status} -eq 0 ]
        [ ${VERBOSE} -eq 1 ] && echo "${NTP_CONF} contains the 'disable 
monitor' entry already."
        exit 0

# Option is missing
[ ${VERBOSE} -eq 1 ] && echo "${NTP_CONF} is missing the 'disable monitor' 
[ ${CHECK_ONLY} -eq 1 ] && exit 1

# Need to be root to change anything
[ ${my_id} -ne 0 ] && echo "ERROR: You must be root to make any changes!" && 
exit 1

[ ${VERBOSE} = 1 ] && echo "Adding the 'disable monitor' entry"
echo "" >> ${NTP_CONF}
echo "disable monitor" >> ${NTP_CONF}
[ ${VERBOSE} = 1 ] && echo "Sending SIGHUP to xntpd (pid ${NTP_PROC}) so it 
re-reads its configuration."
kill -HUP ${NTP_PROC}
[ ${VERBOSE} = 1 ] && echo "Done."
exit 0



On Feb 4, 2014, at 2:43 PM, Paul Stewart wrote:

> Hi there
> We are still finding some JunOS devices vulnerable in our network to the NTP
> issue.  For devices with an IP address on the loopback this has proven to be
> just an update to existing firewall filters where we allow the remote NTP
> servers we query from and include the loopback IP itself.
> Most of the remaining devices do not have an IP address on the loopback
> which has presented a new challenge we were not expecting.  If we apply an
> updated loopback firewall filter and attempt to filter NTP only to specific
> sources it will fail every time if there is no actual IP address on the
> loopback.
> Juniper says we must put an IP address on the loopback to work around this
> issue so I am wondering what other folks are doing in these specific
> situations?
> There are several options which to me the best would be to have Juniper
> actually fix this issue with a proper NTP implementation
> Thanks for any input
> Paul
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