> Thanks for the confirmation.  I was aware that 10G were only port-based 
> queuing and I did find some more documentation that supports your statement, 
> but whenever I enable hierarchical queuing on MIC slot 1 (the 10-port 1G MIC) 
> of my MX5, I see this in the syslog:
> dcd[1415]: DCD_PARSE_ERROR_HIER_SCHEDULER: ge-1/0/5: hierarchical or shared 
> scheduler is not valid on this interface
> dcd[1415]:  get_fpc_i2cid_from_ifd: Cannot determine FPC i2cid
> dcd[1415]:  get_fpc_i2cid_from_ifd: Cannot determine FPC i2cid
> dcd[1415]: check_hardware_encap_support_scheduler: fpc i2cid is invalid
> Am I missing something here?  Is there a minimum release version?  I'm on 
> 12.3R5.7 at the moment and I shudder to think that I would have to go up to 
> 13.x.

You should be just fine with 12.3. Can you share some of your config
related to the H-QoS?

Steinar Haug, Nethelp consulting, sth...@nethelp.no
juniper-nsp mailing list juniper-nsp@puck.nether.net

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