On 28/02/14 00:48, Phil Shafer wrote:
> Sorry if I'm venturing toward shameless self promotion here, but
> this really is an area we try to work at.  That's part of the
> movation for asking if this one specific case is sufficiently
> irritating to break our own rules.

But it's not "one specific case"

clear <foo> <thing>

Is a horrible outage-causing command for a bunch of things.

Unless it's been similarly fixed "clear rsvp session" is a great way to
cause an outage[1] on many carrier networks.

What about "clear isis adjacency"?

I'd say review the lot of clear <foo> and fix them all.

It's *extremely* rare to actually want to reset all sessions on a real
production router passing traffic in my experience, in all my time I can
only think of one case where we deliberately used it.

Any automation relying on this I suspect has far worse problems.

1: OK, *I'd* call this an outage, but "short term packet loss event" for
those with lower standards.

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