
We've got some code to talk junoscript, but it's run into problems because the XML parser turns out to not reliably deliver start/end tag events to upper layers - it is dependent on the "chunking" of input data :o(

To sidestep this difficulty, I started to look at Netconf, which of course is separate XML documents rather than one long-lived one, so flushing the parser at the ]]>]]> delimiter is easy.

Literally the very first thing I noticed is that JunOS doesn't put a namespace on the <hello> tag:

<!-- No zombies were killed during the creation of this user interface -->
<!-- user admin, class j-super-user -->

This of course fails to validate against the .xsd schema in Appendix B of RFC4741 or 6241, and makes me sad. Similarly, it'll happily take <rpc> documents without the correct namespace, though it seems to always namespace <rpc-reply>

Other vendors do different variations - Cisco IOS never namespaces anything, NX-OS namespaces everything, and so on.

What, honestly, is the point of XML namespaces? No-one ever gets them right,

Anyway, the actual question - is anyone using Netconf in anger against JunOS, and if so, how do you handle namespaces? Do you just ignore the fact that JunOS is broken for <hello>? Are there other places where the namespaces aren't handled according to spec?
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