Le 21/04/15 16:02, Raphael Mazelier a écrit :

Me again. I'm facing a problem when mixing rib-groups export and vrf

When exporting routes from A to vrf X with rib-groups, these routes is
candidate to be re-exported in mpbgp VPN X, which is not I want (result
in routing loop).

My current solution is to tag the exported routes via rib-groups import
policy, and to explicitely exclude theses routes in the vrf-export policy.

I'm not very happy whit that. I'm wonder if someone have already facing
this problem, and have a better/alternative options.

And finaly this do not work.
Directly connected route leaking on EX is not supported ?!


If anyone have better workaround those mentionned in kb...


Raphael Mazelier
juniper-nsp mailing list juniper-nsp@puck.nether.net

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