On 8/May/15 16:12, Colton Conor wrote:
> Has juniper implemented the use of multicore processors in their software
> yet? From what I read I heard it was coming, but I am not sure in what
> release. I can't seem to find any information about it on Juniper's
> website? What is the current status of multi core threads in Junos?
> For example, the MX80 has two cores. Are both of them in use?

The code is starting to get optimized in the later years of Junos 14,
but much of this will begin to surface in Junos 15 and 16.

Knowing how things go, it's likely going to take some time before the
whole thing is structured properly. So expect real improvements to
happen gradually.

This is quite painful because it means constant upgrades if you want the
support, and all the hassle that comes with that.

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