Hi Adam,

Apologies for the delay, I have just run your search and have the below:

Narrow Search By
[image: Down Arrow]
Resolved In
Fixed in 12.3R8(86)
Fixed in between(285)
Fixed in 13.3R6(128)
Fixed later (382)
[image: Down Arrow]
[image: Down Arrow]

It must be an account level problem, I'd get in touch with your local SE,
or have a chat with David Bell as he'll have used that feature in the past.


Graham Brown
Twitter - @mountainrescuer <https://twitter.com/#!/mountainrescuer>
LinkedIn <http://www.linkedin.com/in/grahamcbrown>

On 13 May 2015 at 21:59, Adam Vitkovsky <adam.vitkov...@gamma.co.uk> wrote:

> > Graham Brown
> > Sent: 13 May 2015 01:56
> > Colton,
> >
> > Read the release notes for the version you are going to for any changes
> > which may have been introduced.
> > Further to that, you can use the PR search tool at
> > https://prsearch.juniper.net/InfoCenter/index?page=prsearch and enter
> > the
> > current Junos version, platform currently being used and the version you
> > intend to go to. This will display bugs resolved and outstanding.
> >
> > From the above, you can make an informed decision on whether there are
> > any
> > showstoppers, you can also run a POC internally to test critical
> features.
> >
> > HTH,
> > Graham
> >
> Hi Graham,
> For me if I click on the search button nothing happens.
> Was trying to search for MX 12.3R8 to 13.3R6
> Is it something with my account?
> adam
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