On 3 November 2015 at 12:08, Jesper Skriver <jes...@skriver.dk> wrote:

> I magine you have 4 routers in a line A-B-C-D, router A sends
> packets with different ethertypes depending on payload, but router
> B doesn't have the ability to preserve this, so all MPLS packets
> leaving B has the same ethertype. Now regardsless of the
> capabilities of C and D they will see packets with the standard
> MPLS ethertype and no benefit can be had.

Agreed. I presumed you'd meant it would cause some sort of breakage
like reordering. But you're just saying the explicit typing would be
broken for everyone by one non-supporting device.

> Entropy labels is much more useful, they transparently traverse
> parts of the network that has no support for them, and supporting
> them doesn't require all the complexity of the proposed solution.
> And not least, it has been standardized a long time ago, and many
> platforms support it today.

Agreed again, only issue is tunneling overhead increases, so you need
more over-speed on MPLS side to support given client side. But that is
unavoidable without major changes to MPLS. Now for every new idea 'I
want to add this information', you need to add 8B to datapath, to
carry 20bits of information, very inefficient extensibility.

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