You can get the same information from the <junos-context> node passed in
the <op-script-input> document. The <junos-context> node is also stored in
the $junos-context variable.

For example:

root@r0-re0:~ # cat /var/tmp/is-master.slax
version 1.1;

ns junos = "*/junos";;

ns xnm = "";;

ns jcs = "";;

import "../import/junos.xsl";

match / {
    <op-script-output> {
        <output> {
            expr "Through method one, this is the ";
            if (op-script-input/junos-context/re-master) {
                expr "master.";
            } else {
                expr "slave.";
        <output> {
            expr "Through method two, this is the ";
            if ($junos-context/re-master) {
                expr "master.";
            } else {
                expr "slave.";

root@r0-re0:~ # cli
root@r0-re0> op url /var/tmp/is-master.slax
Through method one, this is the master.
Through method two, this is the master.

root@r0-re1> op url re0:/var/tmp/is-master.slax
Through method one, this is the slave.
Through method two, this is the slave.

By the way, as a shameless plug, a colleague and I are co-authoring a book
on Junos automation, due out soon: . The book shows the
junos-context portion of the input document. There is some other
potentially useful information in the junos-context node (hostname, model,
time, executing username, etc.).


On Wed, Jan 13, 2016 at 6:49 AM, Martin T <> wrote:

> Hi,
> Junos has "banner" XML element under "rpc-reply" and "cli" hierarchy:
> <rpc-reply>
>   <cli>
>     <banner></banner>
>   </cli>
> </rpc-reply>
> Is it somehow possible to read the value of "banner" element with SLAX
> script? For example I have a router with dual routing-engines, i.e
> "banner" element has either value of "{master}" or "{backup}":
> {master}
> root@M10i> show version brief | display xml | find cli
>     <cli>
>         <banner>{master}</banner>
>     </cli>
> </rpc-reply>
> {master}
> root@M10i>
> Now if I try to print the value of "banner" element, then this does not
> work:
> {master}
> root@M10i> file show /var/db/scripts/op/show-banner.slax
> version 1.0;
> ns jcs = "";;
> match / {
>   <op-script-results> {
>     var $sh_ver_cmd = <command> "show version brief";
>     var $sh_ver_cmd_out = jcs:invoke( $sh_ver_cmd );
>     var $banner_var = $sh_ver_cmd_out//banner;
>     <output> $banner_var;
>   }
> }
> {master}
> root@M10i> op show-banner
> {master}
> root@M10i>
> Is there a way to process everything between <rpc-reply></rpc-reply>
> elements? I'm afraid that my script processes data between
> <software-information> and </software-information> elements.
> thanks,
> Martin
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