
I’m trying to understand some counterintuitive behaviour I’m seeing with uRPF 
strict and DHCP on a EX9200/14.2R4.9

According to the documentation[1], uRPF will not, by default, permit DHCP or 
BOOTP, however the actual behaviour seems to be inconsistent with the 

set interfaces ge-0/2/2 speed 1g
set interfaces ge-0/2/2 hold-time up 10000
set interfaces ge-0/2/2 hold-time down 0
set interfaces ge-0/2/2 ether-options auto-negotiation
set interfaces ge-0/2/2 ether-options no-flow-control
set interfaces ge-0/2/2 unit 0 family ethernet-switching interface-mode access
set interfaces ge-0/2/2 unit 0 family ethernet-switching vlan members DHCP-TEST
set interfaces ge-0/2/2 unit 0 family ethernet-switching storm-control DEFAULT
set interfaces ge-0/2/2 unit 0 family ethernet-switching recovery-timeout 60
set vlans DHCP-TEST vlan-id 1000
set vlans DHCP-TEST l3-interface irb.1000
set vlans DHCP-TEST forwarding-options dhcp-security arp-inspection
set vlans DHCP-TEST forwarding-options dhcp-security ip-source-guard
set interfaces irb unit 1000 family inet rpf-check
set interfaces irb unit 1000 family inet address
set routing-instances INET instance-type vrf
set routing-instances INET system services dhcp-local-server group DHCP-TEST 
interface irb.1000
set routing-instances INET access address-assignment pool DHCP-TEST family inet 
set routing-instances INET access address-assignment pool DHCP-TEST family inet 
range DHCP-TEST low
set routing-instances INET access address-assignment pool DHCP-TEST family inet 
range DHCP-TEST high
set routing-instances INET access address-assignment pool DHCP-TEST family inet 
dhcp-attributes name-server
set routing-instances INET access address-assignment pool DHCP-TEST family inet 
dhcp-attributes name-server
set routing-instances INET access address-assignment pool DHCP-TEST family inet 
dhcp-attributes router
set routing-instances INET interface irb.1000
set routing-instances INET route-distinguisher 21949:4
set routing-instances INET vrf-target target:21949:4

ario@lab01.juniper# run show dhcp server binding routing-instance INET

ario@lab01.juniper# run show arp vpn INET


After I run dhclient on my Linux box, I’m served a lease with no issues at all:

ario@lab01.juniper# run show dhcp server binding routing-instance INET

IP address        Session Id  Hardware address   Expires     State      
Interface        15          00:0c:bd:08:80:9d  86370       BOUND      irb.1000

ario@lab01.juniper# run show interfaces irb.1000 extensive | match RPF
      Flags: Sendbcast-pkt-to-re, uRPF
      RPF Failures: Packets: 0, Bytes: 0

ario@lab01.juniper# run show arp vpn INET
MAC Address       Address         Name                      Interface           
00:0c:bd:08:80:9d      nj-69-69-69-5.sta.embarqh irb.1000 
[ge-0/2/2.0]   none


While I don’t see any specific reference in the docs to differences in 
behaviour using irb interfaces, is it possible there are in fact differences 
and I just haven’t found the correct docs that outline what they are?  Or is 
there something else that I’m missing?


Thanks in advance!
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