Pretty sure policy-based VPN was unsupported for a short period during the transition from older code and hardware to the newer, but should be back in 15.1X49-D50, though I do not know the version of the current trial software available for download.


On 07/15/2016 12:28 AM, Jed Laundry wrote:
Hi Folks,

I'm looking at converting our aged hardware SRX's onto vSRX, but I
seem to have hit a big scary warning when staging config for
policy-based VPNs, see below:

security {
     policies {
         from-zone zone-lab to-zone zone-internet {
             policy policy-test-ipsec {
                 match {
                     source-address addr-lab-testbox;
                     destination-address addr-remote-testbox;
                     application any;
                 then {
                     permit {
                         ## Warning: configuration block ignored:
unsupported platform (vsrx)
                         tunnel {
                             ipsec-vpn vpn-remote;

This is vSRX 15.1X49-D40.6 on VMware. It's just the trial version, I
haven't bought a licence yet.

I haven't yet been able to test if this does or doesn't work (next
week), but the warning doesn't look good.

Is anyone else using vSRX with policy-based VPNs?

Is there something fundamental that I've missed, or a configuration
tweak necessary to convert 12.1 config to 15.1?

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