
This is an odd one - we are having a hard time reproducing it on the bench, but we've seen it on production hardware quite a bit.

Some portion of the time, with an EX4300 VC running 14.1X53-D40.8, we're seeing VC members boot and mis-detect the SFP/SFP+ module in the PIC (4x 1/10G SFP).

We'll see modules mis-detected as 1G when they're 10G and thus the interface fail to come up; an SFP re-seat or PIC restart is required to clear the issue.

I have a very, very vague suspicion that it might be corruption of an on-flash file due to sudden poweroff (i.e. removing the plug) but this is completely unsubstantiated.

Exact same HW combos (switches, SFPs) were working fine on previous 13X releases.

We're still trying to repro and are going to open an initial exploratory case with Juniper, but just in case, is anyone seeing SFP/SFP+ mis-detected on this HW/SW combo?

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