Interesting, in the kernel versions I tested I was not able to get it to work by just passing in the runtime changes to /sys/class/net/<bridge>/bridge/group_fwd_mask, I actually had to make changes to virtual bridge header file and recompile the kernel as there are/were safeguards in place to prevent someone from just making the runtime changes, which makes sense because this is a potentially dangerous change. Recompiling is not a big deal, but would be interested to know which kernel versions you were able to get that to work with just runtime changes as that would save some time.



On 06/27/2017 11:05 PM, Vincent Bernat wrote:
  ❦ 27 juin 2017 22:40 -0700, Chris Burton <> :

Also, if you use KVM and linux bridge you can bypass the issues with
the bridges not forwarding LLDP and LACP traffic, but you have to
willing to dive into modifying certain parts of the virtual bridge
network drivers and compile your own custom kernel, as by standards
bridges are not supposed to forward the traffic related to LCAP and
LLDP.  I have also heard that this can be bypassed by using Open
vSwitch, but I have not tested that.  The only items I have not yet
been able to get working are related to Ethernet OAM, but so far
everything else I have tested has worked either directly or with some
On Linux, you can tell the bridge to let LLDP and LACP traffic without
recompiling. This is done by altering the value of
/sys/class/net/brXX/bridge/group_fwd_mask. To let LLDP pass, you need to
put 0x4000 in it. For LACP, this is 0x4. So 0x4004 should let both of
them pass the bridge.

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