On Thu, 12 Jul 2018 16:04:04 -0400,
Jason Healy <jhe...@logn.net> wrote:
> On Jul 12, 2018, at 10:09 AM, Benny Amorsen <benny+use...@amorsen.dk>
> wrote:
> > 
> > Saku Ytti <s...@ytti.fi> writes:
> > 
> > That would be really wonderful. A great start would be if there was a
> > way to get just the /32 (or /128) interface IP addresses in
> > apply-groups.
> I started working on a commit script that would harvest all the
> local interface addresses and dump them in a prefix list so you
> could do just this.  Never got around to finishing it, but it's on
> my ever-growing todo list.

i would have tried to do this with an apply-path, does that not work?
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