> On Jan 3, 2019, at 3:34 PM, Saku Ytti <s...@ytti.fi> wrote:
> On Thu, 3 Jan 2019 at 22:23, Jason Lixfeld <jason-j...@lixfeld.ca> wrote:
>> If you match on specific source (and presumably specific destination) 
>> addresses, why is a directionally agnostic port match bad?  Or is it not so 
>> much bad as it is being too lazy to create a second term or an established 
>> filter/term?
> Because they can set SPORT==BGP and DPORT==SSH and hammer your SSH.

Ah, of course.

>>> e) have ultimate deny all rule
>>> On top of that, configure _every_ ddos-protection protocol.
>> Assuming a policer falls into the category of ddos-protection protocol, what 
>> sorts of others are you referring to?
> MX has specific configuration called 'ddos-protection' which covers
> many protocols L3 and others and is fixing the problem of one bad
> actor (one bad BGP session) causing collateral damage.

Good to know, thanks.
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