My home EX2200-C has started logging a few kernel errors per hour,
persisting after a reboot, and an upgrade to the latest 14.1 release
(I'd have tried a downgrade to the latest 12.3 release suggested, except
that release isn't available to me on the download site for some reason)

/kernel: kuackmem_ackentry_free: Invalid input ackptr 0xd121bff8, state 0
/kernel: filt_ackevent: kn 0xc3d7e7e0 kn_data 0x-1 num_entries -1
/kernel: kuackmem_ackentry_free: Invalid input ackptr 0xd121bff8, state 0
/kernel: filt_ackevent: kn 0xc3d7e7e0 kn_data 0x-1 num_entries -1

(The exact address changes each boot, but otherwise the same)

I'm guessing that this is likely a sign of imminent hardware failure and
I should try and rustle up either another 2200-C or better upgrade to a
2300-C. If there's a new version coming with 2.5g & PoE I'd love to test
it ;-P
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