❦ 20 septembre 2019 11:47 -04, Andrey Kostin <ank...@podolsk.ru>:

> Could you advise about various external connectivity options for
> EVPN-VXLAN fabric? Let's say there are two spines that centrally route
> VXLAN vnis and some leaves. Spines are CEs from core MPLS network
> perspective. I understand that EVPN can be extended to the PE router
> and L3-gateways run on them, but probably not right now. What is a
> proper way to connect spines to PE router or pair of PE routers? I'm
> looking into running EBGP from each spine to [each] PE router over
> routed P2P interface. Are there possible flaws in this topology? Is
> direct connection needed between spines in this case?

I am not familiar with MPLS. You need to use QFX10k for the spines as
the QFX5k are not able to route VXLAN outside (or not able to route at
Avoid unnecessary branches.
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