
On Wed, May 20, 2020 at 01:16:12PM +0200, Baldur Norddahl wrote:
> I have a client injecting some traffic on the remote switch using outer vlan
> 424 and inner vlan 201. Remember outer vlan is not transported, so the L2VPN
> would only receive single tagged frames with vlan 201. I need the MX204 to
> add outer vlan 424 and transmit packets with outer vlan 424 and inner vlan
> on interface xe-0/1/7. But instead I get this:
> 11:10:02.303264 00:22:07:4d:7b:0d > ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff, ethertype 802.1Q
> (0x8100), length 346: vlan 201, p 0, ethertype IPv4, >
> BOOTP/DHCP, Request from 00:22:07:4d:7b:0d, length 300
> This is a tcpdump on a Linux server. Vlan 424 is not added and we just get
> singled tagged vlan 201 packets :-(.
> I have tried all sort of combinations including input and output-vlan-map
> but with no success. Anyone have some pointers on how to accomplish this?

The vlan-id/vlan-tags statements are used to normalise tagging inside
the routing instance. You can't set use vlan-maps with them (I didn't
think it would commit).

As you cannot use the proper tagging here (that would be vlan-tags outer
424 inner 201) because of your ZTE device, I believe the best course of
action would be to set vlan-id to `all` and push/pull vlan-id 424. Of
course if you have multiple vlans in your VPLS instance they are also
going to be transmitted with outer-vlan 424.

Benjamin Collet
juniper-nsp mailing list juniper-nsp@puck.nether.net

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