On Wed, 19 Aug 2020 14:42:32 +0000
Colton Conor <colton.co...@gmail.com> wrote:

> How do you plan which JUNOS version to deploy on your network? Do you stick
> to the KB21476 - JTAC Recommended Junos Software Versions or go a different
> route?

I've occasionally got some good advice from bigger operators who often
have significantly more testing and deployment experience than I,
Although their concerns are often incongruent to mine, since we are apt
to rely on a very different set of interfaces, services, and features.
Just hearing something like "do not use version X because Y, or we're on
version Z" can be helpful.  Maybe just ask on this list what version
people are using or have had problems with before deciding?  Not very
scientific, but seems like a fair use of the list.

I'm not sure it is worth the time invested, but I'm probably a rare
breed that reads through release notes and tries to determine what I'm
in for or what I may have to change for an install or upgrade.  It is
very time consuming, but has been helpful a few times for things I
would have otherwise been unprepared for.  Here is an old of example of
the sort of thing I've done:


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