On Wed, Jul 10, 2019 at 8:01 PM William Stein <wst...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Wed, Jul 10, 2019 at 5:51 PM Ilya Kazakevich
> <ilya.kazakev...@jetbrains.com> wrote:
> >
> > Thank you!
> > I was trying to understand how is it implemented technically, how it
> works under the hood
I'll also add that the answer to

> Then, how does jupyter "understands" that only widget content must be
cleared? This is not comm message, so no connection to widget is made. How
does it work?

is simple. The source for that .clear_output method is (

with self:
    clear_output(*pargs, **kwargs)

which means that calling that method *first* sends a comm message
redirecting output, *then* sends the global clear_output message (which is
redirected to the widget), then exits the context manager undoing the
output redirection.

> If that GitHub issue I pointed to isn't sufficiently clear, please
> reopen it and add additional questions or make a new one.  Jason Grout
> told me that he really likes using GitHub issues to answer technical
> questions about how ipywidgets works.
I like using GitHub issues because they seem to better support answers (for
example, I can inline code and links and they are formatted nicely), and
they are more searchable than chat or I think even mailing list posts. So
our "reference" issue milestone has accumulated a number of stack overflow
type questions and answers.

> Are you guys implementing IPywidgets support for PyCharm?   Having
> recently implemented a new client (not jupyterlab or jupyter classic),
> I think it will be very good for the ipywidgets project if there are
> even more integrations of ipywidgets into different clients out there...
+1 to having more clients implement ipywidgets support. Are you? Let us
know if you are having any other issues. Output widgets in particular are
still a bit tricky.

Thanks (and thanks William for answering as well!)


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