From: "Classroom Connect -- Quest" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wed, 24 Apr 2002 15:55:44 -0700
Subject: April 24, 2002

The Quest NewsletterApril 24, 2002


1) Designing Philosophy: Textiles in Ghana
2) Hot Quest Web Sites
3) AuthorChats with Karen Scourby D'Arc


Save the dates for ColumbusQuest!  Week 0 starts 9/30, Week 1 starts 10/7,
and live reporting concludes 11/1. Learn all about it:

1) Designing Philosophy: Textiles in Ghana

The African sun shines down hard on the red ginger flowers lining the
courtyard. Richard Raksun, a tall and lanky 22-year-old, lays a screen on a
piece of white cloth and spreads on pink dye with a squeegee. He lifts up
the screen to reveal a neat row of symbols. While he wipes the sweat from
his forehead on this sweltering afternoon, he explains his textile design.
"In West Africa, a great deal of philosophy is conveyed on people's
clothing. Here in Ghana, we print fabric with Adinkra symbols, which come
from the Asante people. A long time ago, Adinkra cloth was worn only by
royalty and chiefs for mourning during funerals. Now, Adinkra cloth can be
worn by anyone for any occasion."

I look down on the cloth and see a symbol that looks like a chicken claw
turned sideways.

"And what does that symbol represent?" I ask Richard. A baby goat bleats in
the yard. A real live hen flaps out of the open sewer lining the dirt road.

"That is called akoko nan, or the leg of a hen. Akoko nan is my favorite
Adinkra symbol. It symbolizes a chicken stepping on the head of a chick but
not hurting it. It also represents the ideal nature of parents, both
protective and corrective. Another meaning is that you can rise up again no
matter what happens to you, you can conquer any failure. Things happen to
you in life, but you can get up again. If we have challenges, we can learn
from them."

--To read more of Shara Karasic's report on the textile designs of Ghana,
go to the Quest Updates page on The Quest Channel. Shara is the Director of
Community for The Quest Channel and Classroom Connect and recently spent
five months in Ghana volunteering with Geekcorps, a group that works to
bridge the digital divide in third world countries.

Quest Updates


Shara's Geekcorps Profile


2) Hot Quest Web Sites

Get ready for next fall's ColumbusQuest by exploring these great sites:

Social Studies for Kids: Christopher Columbus
This site has a good introductory article about the life and voyages of
Christopher Columbus. It also has links to other Columbus resources.

The Columbus Navigation Homepage
This is ColumbusQuest expert Keith Pickering's Web site. It is heavily
focused on issues of navigation and theories about the location of
Columbus' first landfall.


3)  AuthorChats with Karen Scourby D'Arc

Greece Questers and other classrooms interested in Greece can chat about
Greek customs with Karen Scourby D'Arc, author of My Grandmother is a
Singing YaYa.
Register now to join us on Tuesday, May 7th at 10a.m. PT (1pmET).
Upcoming AuthorChats:


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