From: "David Shively" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sun, 28 Apr 2002 09:21:52 -0700
Subject: TeachersFirst Update - April 29, 2002

TeachersFirst Update - April 29, 2002

May begins this week, and many communities will be celebrating Cinco de
Mayo shortly thereafter. If yours is one of them, our Cinco de Mayo
listings offer lots of ways to incorporate this Mexican celebration into
your activities. For those of you in other areas, Cindo de Mayo is a
great introduction to Hispanic cultures and the history of our neighbors
to the south. It's also a great excuse to try out some new foods as part
of your studies. Our listings include it all; you can find them at:

Somehow we missed opening day this year, but we continue to marvel at
the number of effective learning activities can be built around
baseball. We've found lessons in math, statistics, physics, American
history, African American history, and more. Our collection, Learning
from Baseball, has continued to grow this spring, so we hope you'll take
time to examine it, perhaps during a "seventh inning stretch" in your
day. Learning from Baseball is available at:

Elementary teachers are always looking for new ways to introduce reading
and books. For a great spring unit for primary students, try our "I've
got the Blues" lesson. It's built around four books with "blue" themes
that are primary favorites. You'll find a collection of "blue"
activities, reading ideas, an evaluation rubric, even a ready-to-print
Acrobat file for the entire lesson. You can find "I've Got the Blues"

The week after the September 11 tragedy, TeachersFirst launched a
collection of resources to help students and teachers better understand
the background and events of that attack. We have continued to update
this page as events warranted, retaining earlier listings for archival
purposes. Our current listings offer a great starting point for
examining current anti-terrorism efforts and their effects on life in
the United State and elsewhere. We hope you will find it helpful in the
many different contexts in which these efforts may come up in your
classes. Our Terrorism and Tolerance page is at:

If you teach high school English, we hope you'll pay a visit to our
lesson unit on Christopher Marlowe and Dr. Faustus. The story of Dr.
Faustus, learned and praised, yet unsatisfied with his lot in life,
strikes a clear note for teenagers. Students recognize that often they,
metaphorically, are faced with the temptation to "sell their souls."
Marlowe's Dr. Faustus gives students an object lesson in choice and
consequences. You can find Dr. Faustus at

This week's featured sites include a great online poetry resource for
the conclusion of National Poetry month, a resource for high schoolers
on the dawn of the atomic age, a great site on citation of sources
(according to several formats), and lots more. As always, the featured
sites are available at:

Remember that TeachersFirst's Content Matrix is your best starting point
for thousands of web resources. It's always available at:

That's probably more than enough for this week. Enjoy the spring, and
remember that you really do make a difference.

David Shively
Senior Editor


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