From: "Walter McKenzie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sun, 19 May 2002 16:48:54 -0400
Subject: [Innovative-Teaching] Newsgroups and Lists <May 19, 2002>

The Innovative Teaching Newsletter
"Those who can.....teach!"

Newsgroups and Lists
Volume 4, Issue 33 - May 19, 2002

presented by
Walter McKenzie - Surfaquarium Consulting
Innovative staff development:
Technology Applications, Multiple Intelligences,
Curriculum Integration and Creative Education.
Let's see what we can do for your staff!

Newsgroups and mailing lists are two wonderful ways to mine the WWW for
teaching resources without having to start from scratch or reinvent the
wheel. While you may be familiar with some of these offerings there are
others I hope will be a pleasant surprise. Above all, approach these with
moderation and a critical eye. One truly worthwhile networking tool is more
benefit than a dozen impractical or ineffective discussions littering your
mailbox! Pay special attention to how often you will hear from these
services and who their target groups are. If I can be of particular
assistance to you in helping you find your niche, just drop me a line!

George Lessard wrote to recommend his list Haa Ai. Haa AI (Inuktitut for
"Look at This") is a resource for teachers and students across Nunavut. Haa
AI concentrates on news and resource of the Circumpolar work, but also
provides sites of interest for teachers of all subjects. There's also a
smattering of sites to do with computers and use of the Internet. You can
view the list at <>.
Thanks also to Mary Haga (check out her informative overview on the topic at
and Jerry Blumengarten (Jerry recommends this article on Newsgroups basics:
for their excellent recommendations on this topic!

There are four remaining issues left for this volume of the Innovative
Teaching Newsletter, with the final issue for this school year being
published June 16th. The list will then remain quiet over the summer until
we resume publication with volume 5 the last week of August. In the mean
time, feel free to funnel great newsletter topics and top Internet resources
to me as you come across them. I look forward to hearing from you!

The Innovative Teaching Newsletter continues to boast 2,800 subscribers from
around the world. Also remember I offer the Innovative Teachers' Chat
for those subscribers who would like to interact as a community beyond the weekly
newsletter and the Multiple Intelligences Mailing List
for those educators specifically interested in discussing MI applications in the 
Thank you for your interest and support in this ongoing labor of love! And now, my 

The Center for Improved Engineering & Science Education Mail List -
Moderated by Mercedes McKay at the Stevens Institute of Technology, the
CIESE list serves to both promote science-based activities and materials and
to serve as a forum for K-12 teachers to share ideas for teaching with the
Internet. To subscribe send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED], leaving the
subject line empty and writing "subscribe ciese (your first and last name)" in the 
body of the email.

Classroom Connect Community - <>
Here is the wealth of Classroom Connect's resources brought together free of
charge: mailing lists, discussion boards, student means of communication,
grants and funding, education news, ask an expert, and classroom
collaboration projects all chocked full of links and resources. To subscribe
to one of their free mailing lists go to
and peruse the dozens of choices they offer.

Digital Divide Network -
Sponsored by the Benton Foundation and moderated by Andy Carvin, the DDN
Discussion Group strives to provide an environment for "an online community
in which people can discuss the wide range of issues related to bridging the
digital divide." To subscribe to the daily digest (recommended), send a
message to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]%20> and in the body of the message
write: "set digitaldivide digest."

Ed Tech List -
Hosted by H-Net through Michigan State University, Ed Tech is another grand
old man among teacher lists. Focused directly on educational technology and
ways to make it work for you in the classroom. The tone is decidedly on the
technical end of things (rather than the instructional), but well worth
subscribing to if you're looking for tech support from other kindred souls.
To subscribe go to
and complete the fields therein.

Kidlink - <>
Kidlink provides student mailing lists that promote interaction and
communication with other students from all over the world through such
popular features as Who Am I? and I Have a Dream! All lists are moderated to
protect the participating children. They recommend that students register
individually rather than as a class. To have a student register go to
<> and have
them answer the four questions provided on the online form.

Mailing Lists for Teachers -
The Teacher's Guide offers this comprehensive listing of all kinds of
education related mailing lists from A to Z. Each entry has a succinct
annotation with either an email link to subscribe or a URL address to the
list's website. Either way this is a quick and easy way to find all kinds of
lists for professional educators by many specific interests!

National Association for the Education of Young Children's List -
The NAEYC list is designed for early childhood educators to discuss issues
pertinent to education as well as the more general concerns of educators
themselves. Here you will find announcements of conferences, book
publishings and events, as well as more specific exchanges on instruction,
technology and current trends in teaching and learning. You won't receive
mail every day, but when a discussion heats up you will be in the loop.

Net Happenings -
Gleason Sackman started Net Happenings as a pioneer in educational
listservs, and Net Happenings now boasts more than 5,600 subscribers.
Gleason has joined forced with Classroom Connect who now hosts his list,
which offers all kinds of ideas, announcements and exchanges of information
of interest to teachers. To subscribe simply go to
<>, check the Net Happenings box
and click the subscribe button.

Teacher2Teacher - <>
Offering both discussion boards and mailing lists, T2T has more of the feel
of a faculty lounge than a formal discussion. Here teachers open up and
share great ideas for projects, lessons, classroom management tips, job
openings, and much, much more. To subscribe to the daily digest mode (I
recommend this version), send an email to majordomo @
<> with the message "subscribe t2t-digest
youremailaddress" all on one line with one space between words in the body
of the email. Mail Rings- <>
This is a completely different approach to mailing lists. Here there are
lists by grade level, subject area, geographic location, projects,
standards, specials interests, you name it. Just check off the boxes you
want to join, fill in your email address and click the subscribe button.
You'll then receive information on the specific list(s) you've joined.

Technology Coordinator's List - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Tim Landeck hosts this long-running mailing list for technology coordinators
from around the country. Together subscribers share concerns, hints, tips
and tricks for keeping schools connected and thriving technologically.
Topics run the gamut from troubleshooting to hardware and software
recommendations. Email is daily but tends to come in bunches as the group
gets into a hot topic. Email Tim at [EMAIL PROTECTED]   to begin subscribing!

Pronounced "we do," this list by Andy Carvin is one of the most
comprehensive mailing lists on anything and everything going on in education
online. There are some 1,200 members and messages are posted on a daily
basis. You can subscribe to a daily digest version if you prefer. To
subscribe simply email the list at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Click here for the HTML version:

Be sure to visit the Innovative Teaching Back Issues at

Next Week's Topic: Search Tools

Please send in URL's of high quality sites which may be of interest to our
readers to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Also, I'm always looking for new topic
ideas and input!

Find More Great Resources at the Innovative Teaching Website:

Subscribe     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
List Owner     [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This newsletter may be forwarded or copied provided the header and signature
information remain intact. Show a colleague what you have found in
Innovative Teaching!
(c)2002 Walter McKenzie

For digest instead of individual postings,
send the message: set k12newsletters digest

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