From: "Classroom Connect -- Quest" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wed, 22 May 2002 17:31:16 -0700
Subject: May 22, 2002

Quest Newsletter
May 22, 2002


1)      ColumbusQuest Reading List
2)      Expert Teachers Wanted!
3)      Hot Quest Web Sites
4)      News & Announcements

Find out What's New on The Quest Channel!

1) ColumbusQuest Reading List

Get a head start on the fall Quest! Learn about Christopher Columbus, the
Age of Exploration, the Taino people who met Columbus, and much more by
exploring the books on our reading list. Pick one up for the summer!


"The Indian Chronicles" by Jose Barreiro

"The Four Voyages of Christopher Columbus" by Christopher Columbus, J.
Cohen (Editor and Translator)

"Columbian Exchange: Biological and Cultural Consequences of 1492" by
Alfred W. Crosby

"Diario of Christopher Columbus's First Voyage to America, 1492-1493" by
Bartolome de las Casas, James E. Kelly (translator)

"Admiral of the Ocean Sea: A Life of Christopher Columbus" by Samuel Eliot

"The Tainos: Rise & Decline of the People Who Greeted Columbus" by Irving

"Columbus and the Age of Discovery" by Zvi Dor-Ner and William Scheller

"Christophoros Columbus: A Byzantine Prince from Chios, Greece" by Ruth G.

For fiction titles and more non-fiction titles, visit the Teacher's
Discussion at:
Send us your reviews on these titles and additional resources that you

The adventure begins September 30!


2) Expert Teachers Wanted!

Are you an experienced Quester? Do you like collaborating online with
fellow educators? If "yes" is the answer to both questions, then we would
like you to consider serving as a Quest Expert Teacher for ColumbusQuest!
You'll be able to share your teaching philosophy and your most successful
Quest lessons and projects with our online audience.

Email Paul at [EMAIL PROTECTED] to express your interest and to get
more information.


3) Hot Quest Web Sites

ColumbusQuest doesn't set sail until next fall, but you may want to get a
preview of curriculum opportunities. The following Web sites offer lesson
and activity ideas for your classroom.

Should We Celebrate Columbus Day?
For a sneak-peek of ColumbusQuest curriculum, look at this lesson from
Education World. After students gather information about Columbus' impact
on the New World, they are asked whether or not the Columbus Day holiday
should be celebrated.

Seeds of Change Garden
Activity ideas include: growing gardens, making meals like those in 1492,
putting together time capsules, re-enacting the conditions of a slave ship,
baking bread, making dioramas, tracking the history of food and trade with
maps, going to markets or making your own Old World and New World markets,
quilting, t-shirt design, and making cookbooks.


4) News & Announcements

Start planning for ColumbusQuest!  The Preview week starts September 30,
Week One starts October 7, and live reporting concludes November 1. For
more information, visit:

June 17-19 visit Classroom Connect at NECC (National Education Computing
Conference) in booth #2460. Attend in-booth presentations and panel
discussions such as the Quest Customer Panel. Also, get the scoop on "No
Child Left Behind" funding opportunities, key ESEA information, products
that match funding requirements, and more.


You can access ALL of our past Quests at

Share ideas and get advice from other Quest teachers at

Your students can interact with other Quest classrooms at

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written permission of Classroom Connect, Inc. You may not alter or
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