Date: Sat, 22 Jun 2002 12:28:51 +1200
From: "Virtual Teacher" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Virtual Teacher - A LITTLE SILLINESS

Virtual Teacher Newsletter  No. 52  June 21st 2002 - A LITTLE SILLINESS
Or visit:
Newsletter Archives can be found at:-
1. Welcome
2. Mind Candy
3. WWWinfo World Cup soccer
4. New Printables -  E-Book
5. Technical Stuff - Seminars and Sony Mavica
6. Web Site Focus - PowerPoint 2
7. Maths Across Australia
8. Great Sites
9.  Readers' Requests/Comments
10 Next Issue
11. Code of 'Netizens'
12. Tips
1. WELCOME EVERYONE. I hope everyone has his or her
Apollo-neck sweater on with this cold weather. It's
fun to use  jokes for HSIE units and KLA's, making a point
presentation, reinforcing concepts, and reading. "A little silliness
now and  then is valued by the wisest men" - Roald Dahl.
Below is a collection  for Outer Space. Check out some Spaced
Out links here as well
and the Webquest here
Don't miss the gigaflopping brilliant powerpoint tips below.
Send in any others you might have.
Hans and Stein were playing in their yard in Zurich when one
of the boys accidentally swallowed a coin and started choking.
Hans ran inside to get help, "Mamma! Pappa! Come quick! There's
a franc in Stein!"
What do astronauts wear to keep warm ?
Apollo-neck sweaters !
Where do astronauts leave their spaceships ?
At parking meteors !
Where do Martians drink beer ?
At a mars bar !
How do you get a baby astronaut to sleep ?
You rock-et !
Two astronauts went to the football stadium on the moon,
but they left after a few minutes ?
You see, it had no atmosphere !
How do spacemen pass the time on long trips ?
They play astronauts and crosses !
First Spaceman: I'm hungry.
Second Spaceman: So am I, it must be launch time !
What do you call a loony spaceman ?
An astronut !
What do you call a space magician ?
A flying sorcerer !
What did the metric alien say ?
Take me to your litre !
How does a robot shave ?
With a laser blade !
What do you call a robot that always takes the longest route round ?
R2 detour !
Do robots have sisters ?
No, just transistors !
What holds the moon up ?
Moon beams !
3. WWWInfo Got to be the Soccer
Keep up-to-date at the Official Site.
4. NEW PRINTABLES - Jenny Campbell
Here is a site for educational ebooks
Which is free to download.
It is about How to research a topic and how to
publish the results on the web, directed to secondary students.
You'll find it at
Hi Cathy
I don't know if this will reach you in time but there is a
conference, Slate 2 Silicon, in Orange 21st and 22nd
June that has been organised by Greg Alchin from
Ideate and Mike Tom from DET.  details of the conference
can be found at

  There is quite a lot of input from NSW DET TAs and will
be of equal interest to both Mac and Win users. The cost
to attend is minimal, $70.00, basically just to cover catering costs.
On the subject of conferences, I am the K-6 strand co-ordinator
for the NSW CEG 2002 conference.  This year it will be held
at a new time and in a new location:-

The 20th Annual State Conference
New South Wales Computer Education Group
Sydney Super Dome, Homebush
Monday 30th September to Wednesday 2nd October 2002

For further information go to
I am keen to locate K-6 teachers who are willing to share their
experiences and expertise with others by giving a session at the
conference.  The session should have an IT focus and run for
about 50 minutes? It can be a paper, a demonstration or a
hands on workshop. Please drop me an email if you think you
may be interested or even if you just want to discuss some ideas.
All input will be welcomed.

Linda Zugai
NSW State Manager
Edsoft Pty Ltd
Sony Mavica  Digital Cameras. these Cameras are great for
schools as images are loaded direct to floppy disk as jpegs,
tiffs etc(your choice).  This avoids the usual 11 step process
if you use a USB input an a photo manipulation program.
The 'Mavica 95 also takes short movies - though is no longer
produced.  The Mavica 100 for some strange reason no longer
records sound - to be careful of this one. The Mavica 75 is
just for photos.  Check them out at:-
1. To add sound effects to your PowerPoint goto
Slideshow/animations/custom. This dialogue allows you to
select an animation with a sound effect. Goto order and timing
a select mouse click our automatic.  For most animations
I prefer automatic.
2. Now for a really tricky bit. To add a background track there
are a couple of options
a. You can goto insert/movie and sounds/play cd - here you
can select a track from a CD in your CD drive and cue it to play
during the presentation.  When you play your presentation you
will always need to have the cd in the cd drive.
b. Goto insert/movie and sound/sound from file you can select a
previously save file and insert this onto your FIRST slide.  Select
play sound automatically from the dialogue box.
TRICKY BIT HERE select the sound icon you have created and
goto slideshow/animation/custom.  Goto Options in this dialogue
box, select 'while playing continue slideshow, select stop playing
after '999' slides, select 'hide while not playing', and loop it if you
want to.  this will mean the music will play from the first to the last slide.
NOTE OF CAUTION - PowerPoint will accept most sound formats
including, midi, MP3, wav, however your CDs will need to be
converted into these formats first before you can use them for this
second method.  There are also many FREE music midi/wav/MP3
download sites on the web.
  On a Macintosh the conversion to these formats is easy - just using
ITunes. On PCs there are also free programs to convert music
files to these formats.
c. You can record directly onto you PowerPoint using Insert/Movies
and Sounds/Record Sound.  You will need a microphone plugged
into the computer.  The sound Icon can be manipulated as above.
This is great for narration or PowerPoint slide shows.
d. There is another way - GOTO File/Make a Movie, Select Adjust
Settings, select 'next', select 'background soundtrack' select the
pre-saved soundtrack(in Midi, MP3,or Wav format), then save as a movie.
QuickTime player.  Most machines should have a QuickTime player.
3. The third really great TIP is to use slide transitions to make you
look like the master. The later versions of PowerPoint allow you to
use 'QuickTime' transitions - very cool.  Goto slideshow/Slide
transitions/Select QuickTime transitions.  The cross Fad is the most
common and professional looking Transition, leave the settings at
the default until you are familiar with it.  Some of the other settings
are suitable for special effects, try them all and preview them as you go.
I usually set the transition to automatic and them to about 3 secs -
for most image based slides.
4. The fourth really great TIP, is to use pictures as backgrounds.
Goto/Format/Background, then click on the arrow at the corner of
the colour bar, goto fill effects goto picture. Goto Select picture.
Landscape orientation works best for this.
Stay Tuned for PowerPoint 3 tips next newsletter.
7. Join in the Maths Across Australia quest by the amazing
Barbara Braxton
Teacher Librarian Palmerston District Primary School
Where is Australia? How big is Australia? suitable for upper Primary.
CIESE Classroom Projects

United Nations Atlas of the Oceans
The Atlas is an information system designed for use by policy
makers who need to become familiar with ocean issues and by
scientists, students and resource managers who need access to
underlying data bases and approaches to sustainability. This is
another fantastic site with great resources.

Online marketing for kids (a lesson)
Marketing Lesson
Can you sell it? Lesson plan
Great ideas for teaching marketing
E-Learning Guru
This site is jam packed with "how to" articles, templates and
calculators in the tool box, dozens of white papers, time saving book
summaries and links to the best sites on the net. Looking at e-learning
for your schools; begin with the article e-Learning Alphabet Soup. Or
check out a beginner basic: What are Plug-ins?
Anatomia - Do you know about anatomy?   This is a fantastic site I
played with it myself - did pretty well too.
Interactive activities labeling the human skeleton, eye, skull,
digestive system, respiratory system, skin are the core of this website.
A collaborative team of 15 teachers from European countries
created this website in 9 different languages, including English.
Middle School, High School
Science (Life Science)
The Internet Public Library - Kidspace - great place
Hi Cathy,
I am considering doing exchange teaching in Texas, USA. My son is 14
and an excellent athlete, wins middle distance running, also
all-rounder in sports, in all the top teams, particularly baseball
and football. Which schools would be good to apply to for
sporting scholarships, or who would be able to evaluate him.
Any suggestions you can give would d be most appreciated.
Jon McManis
This is one for the US readers - any suggestions??
Thank you Cathy for your informative site.
  I have a colleague who I swap web sites with and he has put
me onto yours. You can trust me to keep up my end of the netizen
bargain, I love helping others with their computer queries! I have
found the best kind of help is informal help and we will often sit
around the computers in the staffroom helping each other or
sharing effective sites or strategies using ICT.
regards Michelle Wood
(teacher Ulladulla Primary School)

This is exactly what it's about.
Our Year 7 students are looking at the Government as part of
their SOSE next term. Do you know of any useful sites which you
could recommend and also any WebQuests which you know of?
Chris Richards - Director of Students
Ormiston College
Hi Chris,
Check out the sites on the virtualteacher page
Under the government heading
Also check out edna - links suggest below
G'day Cathy
Sorry for this late thank you
Thanks for the information/websites. It was a little mind boggling
or is that numbing - all that info but it was extremely useful useable
and informative.
Thanks Again
Mick Duffy
Thanks Mick

Dear Cathy,
I'm a Year 6 teacher from Brisbane. I'm going to do a unit of work on
'alternatives in energy' next term and want to know if there's a site
which tells you of worthwhile excursions around the city of Brisbane.
Also is there a way to search your virtual teacher website for
particular topics rather than skimming through backdated issues
of your newsletter?
Hi Jennifer.
Yes there is a section on "Cool Fuel" which is a unit of work on energy.
In this unit I used EPA figures for NSW and VIC these sites are
excellent - here is one for Brisbane.
I am unsure about excursions but perhaps folks at the site above may help.
Yes you can search the site using the GOOGLE search engine - just for
VT - just check the Virtual Teacher box below the google search engine.
PS Can anyone help with Excursion sites in Brisbane???

Would you mind if I made your PowerPoint tutorial available to
our teacher education students via my university's digital conferencing
service (FirstClass)? If so, I would ensure VirtualTeacher is acknowledged.
Dr Geoff White
Deakin University
Faculty of Education
Burwood Victoria

Hi Geoff,
Go right ahead.

Dear Cathy,
I emailed a request for any sites that list open-ended maths
activities for Stage 1 students (lower primary) a few weeks ago
  and have been eagerly awaiting some news via your newsletter.

Perhaps my initial email didn't reach you. I know there are lots
of great links to maths educational sites through your site, but so
far I haven't found much on open-ended activities. Do you know
of any sites that may help?
PS. I think your newsletter is great and have encouraged lots
of my collegues and friends to join. What an excellent way to
share ideas and expertise!
Thanks, Sonia.

Hi Sonia,
Sorry for the delay, your email address doesn't seem to work.
I new this would take a while - I love maths and use a lot of ideas.
I have used these activities K-2, some sound difficult but all can
be managed by even young children.  there are many other ideas
as well like the 3 colour theory etc..  Try some of the activities on
my maths webpage as well:
This site has some interesting interactive activities as well -
things like pattern making and tangrams are great.
Virtual Manipulative Pattern Blocks are great
Fantastic Tangram site
Activities I love to do with Stage 1 maths - that are not on the web:-
Use dice-
Record the results of throwing 1 dice, 2 dice, 3 dice.
Use totals. graph the results. Using 2 dice, using 3 dice.
Write down all the distinct additions(also use 3 and 4 dice)
subtractions multiplications you can using 2 dice.
What numbers are you most likely to throw - use simple tallies
to work this out.

Using shape.
Prove a triangle has 3 sides.(can a triangle have more
than 3 sides or less than 3 sides? can it have more or
less than 3 angles, can you make a 4 sided triangle,
why isn't it a triangle??)
- same with other shapes.

Make up as many different triangles(rectangles etc) as
you can using toothpicks, the matchstick(popstick, cotton
bud etc). Count the perimeter. Record you work with a
diagram and the number of matchsticks. Record the
lengths of each side as well as the perimeter. Later classify
triangles into equilateral, isosceles.

Discuss 2D, what is 3D? Construct same as above
using Pleistocene and toothpicks. Demand accurate
diagrams. Count corners and toothpicks used.

Discuss 2D, 3D what is 4D.  4D - shapes through time.
Create a representation of a 4D cube - (this might involve
3-4 cubes in different positions -
through time - or the various stages of construction,
this can also be videoed of photographed if you have
a digital camera).

Experimentation with number: -
Look at perfect numbers, abundant numbers etc.
How many ways to make 21 by addition, by multiplication,
more advanced by subtraction etc.

Play Euclid's game

Look at consecutive number addition to 10.
What are the patterns explain them.
Take a look at triangular numbers.

Interview a number - find out all you can about it - are
there any special things about the number, ask your parents
ask you teachers.  Take a number like 10
2x5 = 10 etc
10 is the basis of our counting system. 10 is the number of
our fingers and toes. History of the number ten- ie when did
it first get used.  Why do we write it the way we do etc  all
numbers are interesting in this way.

Do some coin flipping. Use one coin 2 coins, 3 coins etc.
Draw some diagrams on Kidspiration, or by hand to represent
the results. Probability tree diagrams.

The secret is really to get students to record all their
activities accurately.
Hi Cathy,
Congratulations on a great site. I have given a paper copy of it to the
teachers at my school as I thought it was a great starting point for any
Australian study. You may wish to change the main title though, as it is
the wrong your/you're. Thanks for all your wonderful contributions!
Lauren Bunch
Hi Lauren - I corrected the typo - thanks for that.
10.  NEXT ISSUE  A Bumper issue out next fortnight - Number
3 of the Incredible PowerPoint tips and tricks, more jokes to brighten
up your day, some great links on questioning strategies, and
more, more, more..... Send you your ideas, have a great fortnight.
11. Code of the 'Netizens'
This Newsletter is not free, despite the misleading advertising
above. The Fee is now due. Each week you must help one
colleague on the Internet who has less knowledge than you.
Help that person even if you have to visit their classroom or
do a little research and get back to them. Trust me, this will
help a lot of people get their computer classrooms running better.
OK I'm trusting you!!!
12. TIPS
1. Double click on highlighted URLS to open in browser.
2. Send in your Questions, Questions will be published with
Answers, send in your Answers, if you have expertise to share.
3. Nominate a brilliant site for review and inclusion in this
4. Nominate a fantastic school site for review and inclusion in
this newsletter.
5. Make contact with other schools using fantastic programs.
6. Prepare and innovative article for this newsletter.
7. Tell 2 colleagues about this newsletter.
The opinions expressed here are purely those of the editor,
Cathy Brown. All other small print clauses apply. Such as:
Use at your  own risk. Nothing in life is guaranteed. If it doesn't
work for you send me an email.
Editor: cathy brown mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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