From: "Education World Weekly Newsletter"
Sent: Tue,  2 Jul 2002 08:12:48 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Education World Newsletter Vol. 6 Issue 27

Education World Weekly Newsletter

Volume 6, Issue 27
July 2, 2002

Dear Education Professionals,
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With The Mailbox magazine you'll never run out of great ideas and
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For the next four weeks, Education World will highlight the best of our
archived articles and site reviews. Each feature posted below has been
updated to ensure that all links are as current as possible.


Twenty-Five Ideas to Motivate Young Readers!
Twenty-five great ideas from teachers -- ideas that are sure to get kids
across the grades excited about reading.

ABC Books Aren't for Babies
Looking for some inspiration for an activity that will engage students --
from kindergarten to college -- while they learn? Why not challenge
students to create their own ABC books? Included: More than 200 ABC book
ideas -- spanning the grades and the curriculum.

Fun Activities to Get the Year Off to a Good Start
Every teacher has a different approach to the first few days of school.
Whatever your approach, Education World has an activity for you! Included:
Thirteen activities to help teachers get to know student strengths, set the
classroom tone, observe student interaction, or just provide a little fun!


'Sustained Silent Reading' Helps Develop Independent Readers (and Writers)
Some people call it Sustained Silent Reading. Others call it recreational
reading or independent reading. Whatever they call it, many teachers set
aside a block of time each day -- usually anywhere from 10 to 30 minutes,
depending on the grade level and the ability of the students -- for quiet
reading. Find out why!

Reading Aloud -- Are Students Ever Too Old?
Reading aloud in school by teachers (and even by students), often stops, or
is greatly cut back, once a child learns to read on his or her own. But is
there ever a time when students are too old to be read to? Many teachers --
firm believers in reading aloud even at the high school and college levels
-- say no.

A Good Poem Will Give You Goose Bumps!
Education World talks to popular children's poet Kenn Nesbitt about reading
and writing children's poetry. In that interview, Nesbitt explains why
poetry is important for children and how teachers and parents can inspire a
love of poetry in kids.


Creating a WebQuest: It's Easier Than You Think
What are WebQuests? What accounts for their popularity? And how can you use
-- and create -- WebQuests in your own classroom? Education World explores
those questions and more.

Science and Math e-Projects Connect Students Worldwide
The Center for Improved Engineering and Science Education (CIESE) provides
teachers with the tools for five different classroom projects and for
several real-time projects that connect students worldwide.

Get Outta Class With Virtual Field Trips
Virtual field trips -- whether they involve a photo tour of a famous museum
or a high-tech tour of the solar system -- allow students to experience a
whole new world without ever leaving the classroom.


Who Moved My Cheese? Message Continues to Spread
Who Moved My Cheese? is a story about how two mice and two little people
react to change -- embrace it or fight it -- and how it affects them.
Millions of people have read the book, many of them educators. Bruce
Bracken, of Who Moved My, talks with Education World about why
he thinks the book is so popular.

Maybe It's Time to Reform Demands We Put on Educators
Need a little inspiration? The Commercial Appeal of Memphis, Tennessee,
granted Education World permission to reprint the column "Maybe It's Time
to Reform Demands We Put on Educators," by columnist David Waters. It first
appeared February 21, 2001, in Waters's "Faith Matters" column. Waters
begins: "Public school teachers, please forgive us. ... We expect -- no, we
demand -- that you work miracles by refining our precious raw materials
into brilliant gems. We offer you little pay, limited help, and unlimited
interference. ..."

How Can Teachers Help Students With ADHD?
Strategies for teachers to help students with ADHD be successful in school,
from routines that provide structure to showing students how to keep daily
assignment journals.

Half-Grade Program Helps Students 'Excel'
A program called Excel allows motivated third, fifth, and eighth graders
who do not meet grade-level standards and risk retention to advance half a
grade instead. Then, as "half-graders," the students get the additional
support they need to help them catch up with their peers.

EDscoops: June 27
Hispanic School-Age Population Growing
Storytelling Helps Teens Handle Anger
Future Problem Solvers Make Their Mark
Students Can't Use Privacy Law to Sue Schools

Help Wanted!
Easing the Teacher Shortage
StarrPoints columnist Linda Starr compares two jobs available to today's
young college graduates -- and asks the question, "Who wants to be a

School Doodle: The Path to Teacher Certification


Fund-Raising Ideas: Raise Money Without Selling Door-to-Door
How far would you go to raise needed funds? Would you kiss a pig? organize
a game of cow chip bingo? paint Pepsi on your school roof? As school
budgets seem to buy less and less of what educators and parents believe
students need, money from fund-raising is becoming more and more important.
Some school districts are discovering -- or creating -- new ways to raise

Technology Standards for School Leaders Released
A consortium of more than a dozen groups released Technology Standards for
School Administrators at a meeting of the National School Boards
Association. "These standards will empower administrators to provide strong
technology leadership," said the chairperson of the group charged with
authoring those standards.

Principals Offer Expert Advice on Range of Topics
Education World's "Principal Files" team has authored more than 30 articles
offering advice on a wide range of topics of interest to school
administrators. Looking for tips when it comes to hiring, involving
parents, raising funds, or rallying the troops? In its monthly articles, Ed
World's expert panel dispenses sage advice about those topics and more.


Real time data help students learn about marine life.

LiftOff! Education
Lift off to math and science.
The president's animals encourage kids to read, dream, and make good

Resources "enrich visitors' understanding of content, style, and historical
context," using pieces in the collections.

A rich resource of curriculum links and tips on integrating the Internet
into the classroom.



Sincerely, Lisa Gryskiewicz
Education World (R)

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