From: "David Shively" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sun, 28 Jul 2002 07:21:20 -0700
Subject: TeachersFirst Update - July 29, 2002

TeachersFirst Update - July 29, 2002

It's almost August, and that means that "opening day" is coming soon...
Here are some suggestions to help you get ready.

Student Teacher Tips
If you will be student teaching this fall, you can score big points with
your supervising teacher by being well organized. We asked a veteran
supervising teacher to develop a set of start-up suggestions for student
teachers, and it has proven very popular in recent years. If you're
student teaching this fall, check our Ten Tips for Student Teachers at:

For New Teachers...
For a more general look at strategies for new teachers, visit our New
Teacher Resources page. It's a collection of resources, including
several printable Acrobat files, about what to expect during your first
year of teaching. This page includes several links that deal with
starting the year off on the right foot. Here you'll also find a link to
a very complete site from NCTE for new English teachers. The New Teacher
Resources are at:

Differentiating Instruction:
If your classroom is like most, your new students will have a wide range
of abilities, and a few may be receiving some level of special education
services. Successfully adapting lesson content for these students can be
challenging, but there are some proven strategies that work.
TeachersFirst's large special education section includes a great look at
differentiated instruction and strategies to adapt lesson content for
students with varying abilities. This information is particularly useful
for special education students, but it's also applicable elsewhere. The
Adapting Instruction page is at:

Resolving Conflicts
Getting a class to work as a team can sometimes be a challenge, and the
beginning of the year is a good time to set the tone. Classroom meetings
and peer mediation programs can go a long way toward building this sense
of community. TeachersFirst's new section "He Started It" explains how
these programs work and offers lots of ways in which you can use these
strategies - at any grade level - to improve the atmosphere in your
classroom. Check it out at:

Want More?
Still hungry for more? Visit our professional content matrix at:

Find More...
OR: try a keyword search on the topic of your choice at our search page:

The Features
This week's features include a visit to Paul Revere's House, a dip in
the ocean, astronomy experiments, and lots more. As always, the features
are at:

That's it for this week. Enjoy the summer activities, and remember that
you do make a difference.

David Shively
Senior Editor


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