From: Education World Weekly Newsletter
Sent: Tuesday, August 13, 2002 11:39 AM
Subject: Education World Newsletter Vol. 6 Issue 33

Education World Weekly Newsletter

Volume 6, Issue 33
August 13, 2002


Dear Education Professionals,
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a free service by Education World(R). You are receiving this newsletter
because you have signed up to receive updates of What's New at Education
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Education World's newsletter is brought to you by Jo-Ann Stores

Jo-Ann Stores is committed to promoting creativity in the classroom; to
support this commitment Jo-Ann Stores unveiled a program to show their
appreciation to America's educators. This new program allows teachers to
register for the Jo-Ann Stores teacher mailing list and to receive a
Jo-Ann Stores Teacher Discount Card. This special discount card is valid
for the entire 2002-2003 school year and enables the educator to
purchase classroom and project supplies at a 10% discount of sale and
non-sale merchandise.

Jo-Ann Stores CEO, Alan Rosskamm states, "We are committed to offering
teachers a discount on the supplies they need to support curriculum
objectives. We recognize that hands-on projects can be used very
effectively in the classroom as a teaching method that stimulates
retention and academic achievements in core subject areas. We
wholeheartedly support creativity in the classroom and believe that
creative teachers inspire creative thinkers. For this initiative we hope
to connect with thousands of teachers across the country."

For more information on this program please click


Education World's newsletter is brought to you by Riverdeep

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Icebreakers: Volume 8
Are you still looking for the perfect activity to help you get to know
your students -- and to help them get to know one another? Take a look
at these icebreaker activities contributed by teachers from around the
globe! Included: Thirteen getting-to-know-you activities for the first
days of school.

Teacher-Submitted Lesson: Good Deeds Reap Rewards
Pauline Finlay, who teaches at Holy Trinity Elementary School in St.
John's, Newfoundland, Canada, submitted this week's lesson. Students
recognize the good deeds their peers do.

Writing Bug: The Best Pet.
Each week, Writing Bug provides a story starter or journal-writing
activity for students. This reproducible student worksheet is a
ready-made activity. Just print it out and hand it out!


Teachers, Start Your Engines: Management Tips from the Pit Crew
Who said classroom management has to be boring? While you've been
(hopefully!) enjoying a relaxing summer, the editors at Education World
have been lurking on listservs and in chat rooms, reading articles and
message boards, and surfing education sites and teacher Web pages in
search of classroom management tips you can use in the new school year.
This week, we offer you the results of our search -- 20 successful
classroom management strategies to get your year off to a great start
and keep your classroom running smoothly throughout the entire year.

Classroom Management: Discipline, rules, rewards, more!

Voice of Experience: In Classroom, Computers Often Yield More Glitz Than
Educator Brenda Dyck reflects on how, in our zeal to integrate the most
up-to-date technology into our classroom, we can settle for more "glitz
than guts."

Web Wizard: Thematic "Hotlists" Add Interest and Save Time
Technology trainer Jerrie Cheek provides online resources for more than
25 popular curriculum topics!

Meteor Showers
What are meteors, exactly? When is the best time to observe meteor
showers? Is special equipment needed? To find answers to those and other
questions, Education World recommends some of the best World Wide Web
sites on meteors, comets, amateur astronomy, and other fascinating
topics. The Perseids, the most famous meteor shower, peak on August 12!


Free Software Helps Prevent Computer-Related Injuries
Karen Jacobs is a clinical professor of occupational therapy at Boston
University, a board-certified professional ergonomist, and a recognized
expert in the fields of occupational therapy and ergonomics. In this
Wire Side Chat, Dr. Jacobs discusses Stretch Break for Kids, a software
program designed to help children avoid injuries associated with
computer use, and offers tips for preventing repetitive strain injuries
(RSIs) in kids. Stretch Break for Kids is free to K-12 students and

Scavenger Hunt: Hurricane Warning!
What do you know about Hurricanes?

A Techtorial: Choose, Don't Lose! Learn to Evaluate Web Sites
Easy-to-remember steps help you evaluate the quality of a Web site!

WebQuest Discovery of the Week: Inventions -- America's Best Department
Celebrate National Inventors month by exploring the inventions that have
most influenced U.S. society.


StarrPoints: The Best Laid Plans...
You've spent the last few weeks decorating bulletin boards, planning
activities, collecting supplies, writing letters to students and
parents, reading articles and texts on classroom management, and
practicing personal relaxation techniques. You're efficient and
organized. Your carefully thought out plans for the first day of school
include an appropriate mix of fun, educational, and administrative
introductory activities. You are ready, able, and full of anticipation.
It's going to be a wonderful year! But is it going to be the year you

School Doodle: Irreconcilable differences?
The School Doodle cartoon of the week.

EDscoops: August 8
Pay Raises for British Teachers May Link to Performance
Schools to Get Bonuses for Higher Scores
Teachers Association to Refund Money
Universal Pre-K on Ballot


It's Back-to-School Time for Administrators Too!
It's back-to-school time for principals and school administrators too!
Education World has gathered great resources from our archive that offer
advice, tips, and resources all principals should have at their


Red Gold: The Epic Story of Blood
The facts and myths about blood.

The History of Jim Crow
Explore African American history from the 1870s through the 1950s.

Congress for Kids
Uncle Sam guides students through Congress and history.

D & W's Teacher Spot
Resource for new teachers.

Gale Group Free Resources
Free resources for teachers and students.



Pardon this quick break from this week's What's New This Week at
Education World newsletter.
We just wanted to let you know that a NEW newsletter is in the works --

********* Education World's Education Humor Newsletter **********
debuts the week of September 9!

Sign up now on our newsletter signup page:



Sincerely, Lisa Gryskiewicz
Education World (R)

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