From: "Barbara J. Feldman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wed, 11 Sep 2002 06:00:00 -0700
Subject: Surfing the Net with Kids Newsletter: Math Flashcards

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September 11, 2002

Dear Reader,

When considering whether to publish my usual Wednesday
newsletter today, I originally decided to delay it until
Thursday as a sign of respect for those who lost their
lives and their loved ones in last year's tragedy.

When I told my son Matthew that I wasn't going to publish,
he asked why.  And at that moment, I couldn't come up with a
good argument.  The whole idea suddenly turned around
completely, and I felt as if NOT publishing would be
succumbing to the terrorists' objectives of destroying our
culture, our nation, us.

So, here I am. As usual.  And here's a link to my "Remembering
9/11" site reviews from a few weeks ago:

This week Printables Club Members also:
    1) learn how to download documents and spreadsheets with a
   right-mouse click
    2) learn about a cool girl site submitted by nine-year old
    3) learn tips for traveling with technology in a post-9/11
    4) get a two-page Internet enrichment printable of today's

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See ya on the Net,
Barbara J. Feldman
"Surfing the Net with Kids"

     Math Flashcards
     by Barbara J. Feldman


Math Flashcard Game

Multiplication Flashcard Game

Addition Flashcard Game

Subtraction Flashcard Game

(Learn how to make games just like these with my step-by-step
how-to manual at:  )


What's seven times eight?  How about eight times eight?  Six
times nine? I'd love to sit here all day  but I think I have
laundry to do.  It's common knowledge that computers are very
good at repetitive tasks.  They simply never tire.  Which makes
them perfect study partners for drill and practice. With that in
mind, I set out to find the best math flashcards on the Internet.
Here are my picks.

A+ Math Flashcards
A+ Math Flashcards earns its grade with a large selection of
Java and non-Java flashcards covering fifteen subjects from
addition and counting money to algebra and geometric areas. The
Java flashcards are "faster and more fun," but the non-Java
cards will work on all browsers, including WebTV.   Flashcard
Creator is a unique feature for creating your own printable
flashcards for addition, subtraction, multiplication or division
with numbers from one to twelve. Having trouble memorizing your
sevens and eights?  Flashcard Creator allows you to specify
which numbers you want on your custom cards.

Allmath Flashcards
Options abound at Allmath Flashcards.  First, choose your
operators (any combination of addition, subtraction,
multiplication and division.)  Then choose what size operands
(from ten up to a hundred) and if you want to keep score.
Finally you have the option of AutoFlash, which will change
cards automatically at a variety of speeds, from every two
seconds up to every minute.  This really keeps things moving --
and adds a bit of game show excitement!

Basic Facts Practice
Start by simply choosing either add/subtract or multiply/divide.
When the colorful Java applet square appears in a separate
window, follow the directions to enter your name, date and
teacher's name. The best feature here is the detailed scoring
available under Report Card. Although Basic Facts in also
available in a non-Java version (look for the link near the
bottom of the page) I liked the Java version of Basic Facts
Practice because you select your answers with the click of
mouse, which I find faster than typing.

Flashcards for Kids
Although these flashcards only cover the basic operands
(addition, subtraction, multiplication and division), you can
advance to harder problems because Flashcards for Kids allows
you to specify a level of complexity  and to set the size of the
numbers up to 10,000.  Other choices include scoring, a timer,
and whether to display the equations vertically or horizontally.
Even with all these choices, these flashcards do not use Java or
Shockwave, which means they can be accessed by older browsers
and WebTV.

Quia Math Flashcards
Quia is a treasure trove of more than thirty math activities
each of which includes flashcards and a Concentration-style
matching game. Topics range from basic addition to algebra
terminology.  The best click, however, is Math Journey where you
can practice addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and
rounding at four levels.  "Travel around the world by answering
math problems. The journey begins and ends in London, and has
stops in 30 cities along the way. To board the plane to each new
city, you must answer a math problem correctly. If you get a
problem wrong, you have 'missed your flight.' Miss three flights
and the game is over."

    ***** Spectacular!    **** Wonderful!   *** Great

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Surfnetkids Classified Ads just $40 each.

ATTENTION AOL MEMBERS:  Here is a clickable summary
of today's addresses:

<A HREF="";>Online archive of Surfing the Net with Kids</a>
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<a href="";>Subscribe to this newsletter</a>
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Our WONDERFUL sponsors:
<a href="";>How to Add Games to Your Site</a>
<a href="";>Norton SystemWorks</a>

Today's Featured Sites:
<A HREF="";>A+ Math Flashcards</A>
<A HREF="";>Allmath Flashcards</A>
<A HREF="";>Basic 
Facts Practice</A>
<A HREF="";>Flashcards for Kids</A>
<A HREF="";>Quia Math Flashcards</A>

Today's Games:
<a href="";>Math Flashcard Game</a><br>
<a href="";>Multiplication 
Flashcard Game</a><br>
<a href="";>Addition Flashcard 
<a href=" /games/subtraction-fc.htm">Subtraction Flashcard 

<A href="";> Related Books</a>

Copyright 2002 by Barbara J. Feldman. Publication
in any medium is strictly prohibited without prior
written permission.
ISSN 1520-4588

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