Date:         Sun, 22 Sep 2002 12:57:36 -0400
From:         David Shively <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: TeachersFirst Update - September 23, 2002
To:           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
TeachersFirst update – September 23, 2002

Preschool Goodies!
Kindergarten and preschool teachers take note! This past week we added several
hundred new activity sheets to the Alphabet and Numbers sections of our
companion site. While intended primarily for use by
parents with their children, teachers may find these sets of activity sheets
useful in their classrooms as well. There are over 100 activity sheets
available to any user, and members have access to 200+ activity sheets on the
Alphabet alone. Browse if you choose by visiting the themes selection page:

Test Scores Simplified
Explaining test scores to parents can be a real challenge. If you've ever
grappled with questions about norms and stanines, you may want to suggest that
parents read our new resource: "Understanding Test Scores – a primer for
parents." This is a simple explanation of the various types of standardized
tests, the ways in which they are used, and the interpretation of their
results. The presentation uses non-technical terms to explain the basic
concepts, leaving teachers free to deal with the students themselves. Puzzled
parents can find this resource on our TeachersAndFamilies companion site at:

Math Celebration Fair
Seasoned teachers will tell you that not all great ideas necessarily
incorporate technology. TeachersFirst's Math Celebration Fair is a great
collection of "math celebration" activities that provide a culminating math
activity for a marking period or a year. The ideas are simple; just add your
own creativity! Field tested over the years with upper elementary students,
this unit can also work with middle schoolers. The Math Celebration Fair ideas
are at:

Dante's Infernal Grammar
Sometimes mixing old ideas in new combinations can produce interesting
instructional results. That's what happened when TeachersFirst created Dante's
Infernal Grammar. Originally designed for high school students preparing for
the English SAT II, this unit combines an introduction to Dante's Inferno with
a review of some of the thornier grammatical concepts with which students must
grapple. The result is an engaging parallel study that lets teachers use either
track individually or combine the two. And while we don't suggest that getting
into the college of your choice requires selling your soul to the devil,
English teachers have found that the themes in Dante's story resonate with
today's students in interesting ways. Begin your exploration at:

Frontier Forts
Any elementary teacher will tell you that their students are curious. Sure
they're interested in what Americans on the frontier thought, but what did they
eat for dinner? …and where did it come from?? TeachersFirst's presentation
"Frontier Forts in the American Revolution helps answer both questions. Created
with the help of several hundred re-enactors, this unit introduces the purpose
and lifestyle of the forts that dotted the western wilderness during the
American Revolution. Learn about how the forts were built, what the soldiers
did, even what the kids played with. Great visuals make this one a nice "living
history" example if there isn't one near you. Visit our fort at:

The Original Thirteen States
We've received a number of compliments on TeachersFirst's new section "The
Thirteen Original States." This section is, of course, a prototype for a
resource on all fifty states. For now, you can learn about the founding of the
original colonies. Our narrative includes the Native Americans, geology and
landforms, history, and economics of each state. Along the way there are
interesting people to meet and places to visit. Upper elementary and middle
school students will find this site perfect for "state history" units. It's at

This week's features include a great collection of Civil War lesson ideas, a
huge resource library for math teachers, an art sharing site, and lots more.
The features are in the usual place:

That's all for now. Fall is officially upon us; enjoy the change in the

David Shively
Senior Editor


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