29 nov 2001 Status report
We managed to establish the three-step connection:

[VNC Viewer] - [Kaboodle] - [Kaboodle] - [VNC Server]
\__________pc1__________/   \___pc2__/   \___pc3____/

We temporarily moved the VNC Server (pc3) apart from Kaboodle (pc2) for
debuging purposes. And the scheme really started breathing. On pc1, we
observed fragments of the screen image of the remote machine pc3 and had the
communication logs.
There is one problem now, yet solvable (I believe). Everything works
abnormally slow, we could not even manage to get the whole screen image.
Analysis of the logs showed that the delays occur in the CAsyncSocket's
callback function OnReceive(int nErrCode). After all the necessary
connections have been established, the image transfer begins; we are getting
real time log info. It often shows the following message coming from
OnReceive: "A non-blocking socket operation could not be completed
immediately". This only occurs at the Kaboodle when receiving from VNC
Here is the bottom line: we use an MFC socket class while VNS uses
straight sockets (the source code is available and we found it out). Here
are the four connection cases (I designated MFC socket as M and
non-MFC socket as N):

N - N: ok
M - M: ok
M - N: ok
N - M: delays over 3 seconds.

If the problem is really due to socket incompatibility then it could be
solved by simply borrowing the socket implementation from the native VNC
code (luckily we have the source). So we are busy trying it now.


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