22 nov 2001 Status report
The questions discussed below are not critical for me now and 
do not block my work. However, they are what I have taken 
note of.

>1. You do not need a new account every time your IP address
>changes. The Gnutella client in the Kaboodle application
>is meant specifically to address this. That is, the
>application uses Gnutella to search for the partnership
>file. When it finds it, it uses the IP address from the
>machine on which is was found.

 The ip addresses of the two partners are written down in the 
partnership file downloaded from the EchoFree server and 
installed at both computers by the helper application.
Now, let us assume that my ip has been changed. If my partner 
reads my ip from the partnership file stored on his machine, he 
will get the wrong ip. If he gets it from the Gnutella's reply, as 
you said, and ignores the ip value in the file, then I am afraid I 
can not realize why keep the ip addresses in the partnership file.

>2. I am not sure what you mean by the "property dialog".
>Have you more details?

Well, by "property dialog" I meant the property sheet that you 
get when you right-click a computer icon. I may not have got 

all the necessary components, but so far I cannot observe any 
useful functionality. The specification says:

"Component: a self-contained piece of code that extends the 
functionality of Kaboodle. . A Component could provide 
application-layer functionality (such as a notepad or an ICQ 
chat client. "

After installation, I have only one component named "Jetsend 
Receiver". What is it? 

The component tab has the buttons "Start" and "Stop", which 
you might think swap the state of the component. However, a 
static view of the code shows that they do not really change 
anything but the label on screen. Suppose, I install a 
component named "chat.dll". Will I be then enabled for a chat 
activity? How will I get access to the chat application?

>3. I am sorry, I did not mean to use raise the "Warning Level"
>of VC++, I meant to go to Microsoft.com and download the
>latest Service Pack update for VC++ 6.0. Then you will
>be able to compile what's on the CVS server.

I have been able to compile the code since I followed your 
advice and installed Service Pack update. That is all right. I 
just decided to put it to test, which showed that there were
many potential errors.

Now, as for encryption. There is a class CEncryptor, which has 
the method EncryptDecrypt as well as the two methods 
BlowFishDecrypt and BlowFishEncrypt. The first one is used
widely through out the code but always with the default key.
Am I right that BlowFishDecrypt and BlowFishEncrypt are only 
applied when communicating remotely (over the internet) and 
EncryptDecrypt being a lighter encryption provider is applied 
to the intranet traffic (within the LAN)? And does it make 
sense encrypting the intranet traffic on a constant key at all?

Now, the main point. I maintained two sockets: one for 
Kaboodle to VNC connection and one temporary socket for 
Kaboodle to Kaboodle connection. The second socket will 
be substituted by the native Kaboodle's steel tube later on. I 
also created a new tab on the property sheet to control the 
VNC connection and view the debug output. With a special 
button, I can start the VNS listener at one side and a VNC 
viewer at the other and establish the three connections: 

VNC viewer - Kaboodle Server - Kaboodle Client - 
      VNC listener.

 I am getting them work together.


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