19 Feb 2002 Status report
We completed the following items of Kaboodle-II Work Plan.
Source code is attached.
3.2 If the VNC server on PC2 is not running under Kaboodle control, or if PC2 is not running
Kaboodle at all ...
Status: implemented.
3.5 In the VNC PropertyTab, the user can specify what "display\port" the server is running on...
Status: implemented.
7 Modification to support VNC options
Spec: 4.2.5 Allow ONLY Kaboodle users to connect to this machine.
Status: implemented.
Comment: We forbade all users to connect to Vnc listener except their
own PCs. For this we placed the string -:+MyIpAddress in value AutoHosts of WinVnc registry key.
9. Remote VNC server password are stored...
Status: implemented.
Comment: Remote VNC server password is stored in registry as an encrypted string.
This password is not sent to the network. ... When a user hits "connect" in the PropertyTab,
the session is connected without the usual password prompt.
10 Modification to auto-detect VNC server on LAN.
Status: implemented for WinNT and Win2000.
Comment: we have some problems with memory manager for Win98.
13 Unify draw functionality of Kaboodle dialog panels.
Status: implemented.

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