        Heya. Comments inline:

> Today I visited http://netgroup-serv.polito.it/winpcap/ and there I found
> WPdpack.zip (see attachment).
> If we run WinPcap.exe setup program from WPdpack.zip - we will find
> Packet.dll in SYSTEM32 path.
> WinPcap.exe setup program have copyright, etc.
> Do we need to use WinPcap.exe as part of Kaboodle setup program?

        I think we should include the WinPcap.exe installer with
the Kaboodle installer *only if* we can use the "passive detection"
capabilities that winpcap provides. IE, sniffing for ethernet
frames with new MAC addresses is a good way to detect that something
new has joined the LAN. This is what "arpwatch" does.

> Now I can build Kaboodle with "Hidden devices" dialog (you friends'
> Kaboodle snapshot).
> "Hidden devices" dialog works good. I can see that this dialog is very
> similar to "Modify access list" dialog.
> I implemented icon refreshing after closing "Hidden devices" dialog
> (see attachment KABOODLE_HIDE_LIST.zip).

        Is it fairly straightforward to put this "Hidden device"
code into our main code branch? I noticed it doesn't use the NID
or the registry for managing the list, but used text files in
the application directory instead (yucko).

> Ok. But what I see...
> - Clear Kaboodle keys in system registry.
> - Start Kaboodle with "Hidden devices" dialog.
> Kaboodle with "Hidden devices" dialog now has no LAN discovery features.
> I opened file SearchNetworkManager.cpp and found new LAN discovery code.
> It seems to me that this code uses some features of Packet.dll.
> Sorry, but this code don't work at all.
> It seems to me that current Kaboodle LAN discovery features is better
> than above.

        I agree the current LAN discovery features are better. I've
not been able to get the "passive detection" part in this alternate
source to work either.

        Before you work too much more on this, please review the
"priority work list" I sent you last night in a separate email.


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