Hello Scott.
You wrote:

> 5. Please change the default Property Tab to something called
>    "System Info". Right now, all the useful info is split between
>    two tabs called "System" and "Standard". I have no idea why.
>    Please reduce those two tabs to just one which includes all
>    of the really useful info (eg, Name, IP Address, MAC address,
>    device type, etc.). Please feel free to use your best judgement
>    here. All devices (PC's, Mac's, Appliances, etc) should have
>    this default Tab.

Now I implemented that for PC device only.
I removed the field "Kaboodle ID" from properties.
Also the field "Type" can be removed. 
In that case property "Type" can be inserted into the caption of icon.

> 6. The "Kaboodle Service Could not be Started" error box still pops
>    up. Please remove the check which causes this error to appear.

That "Kaboodle Service Could not be Started" error box is removed.

> 8. In the file-transfer window, please grey out the "send this
>    file with unbreakable encryption" option. That's for future
>    use, utilizing a one-time pad encryption scheme.

The "send this file with unbreakable encryption" option is grayed.

> 9. In the remote-connection window, please remove the "connect
>    directly" and "connect with Gnutella" options. As we spoke
>    about before, Kaboodle should try to direct connect first,
>    and then fall back to Gnutella for partner discover if the
>    direct connect fails.

The "connect directly" and "connect with Gnutella" options are removed.


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